Sunday, July 11, 2021

Sunday Five : Panic - Am I Losing You

My Sunday Five post has been up for 12 hours, and only three responses, and two of those were clear expressions that I went to deep - asked questions that were to weird.  

Sorry, I don't want to lose you. 

Simpler Five:

1: Is the image above better in color or black & white?

2: Are you are gardener? 

3: Do you know anyone who is colorblind? 

4: Are there any plants that sort of freak you out if you touch them, or is that only me? 

5: What was the last thing you took a photo of? 


  1. 1. I prefer the B&W one.
    2. No.
    3. I'm not colour blind but I do have trouble distinguishing colours at the dark end of the spectrum -- e.g., black, brown, grey, navy.
    4. I think it's only you.
    5. The label on a bottle of sherry so I could make note of the brand name.

  2. 1. Color, for me always color.
    2. I love plants but have no luck tending them so, no.
    3. Yes
    4. Cactus but only because it means I have a thorn in me.
    5. Stormy skies over Phoenix last night.

    1. I pulled out the polarizers the other day, trying to get better skies

  3. I didn't mind the tough questions, but I'll do thi one too!

    1: Is the image above better in color or black & white? I like the color.

    2: Are you are gardener? I am good at pruning and cleaning and maintaining; Carlos is good at planting and growing.

    3: Do you know anyone who is colorblind? Carlos has difficulty with greens and blues and grays.

    4: Are there any plants that sort of freak you out if you touch them, or is that only me? I don't think it's ONLY you, but I cannot think of one that freaks me out!

    5: What was the last thing you took a photo of? The Great Tuxedo.

    1. Fun answers, look forward to the photos of Tuxedo

  4. 1: Is the image above better in color or black & white? I like the B&W, which is not to say it‘s better.

    2: Are you are gardener? Yes. But lately a lazier one.

    3: Do you know anyone who is colorblind? Yes.

    4: Are there any plants that sort of freak you out if you touch them, or is that only me? I can’t think of a plant that freaks me out.

    5: What was the last thing you took a photo of? Bonne Maman Tartelette chocolat caramel. You’ll see it tomorrow.

  5. Anonymous7/11/2021

    1. While I often prefer black and white, in this case I prefer colour.
    2. I was a gardener.
    3. My partner is mildly colour blind but won't admit it.
    4. I don't like touching seaweed.
    5. My niece's birthday cake.

    1. Will anyone ever forget the first time their feet settled into the seaweed?

  6. 1. Color
    2. No.
    3. No one close.
    4. Peaches on the tree.
    5. Cujo napping on his back with his feet in the air. So cute!

    1. Are peaches okay, once they are in the basket?

  7. 1. What Andrew wrote.
    2. Yes
    3. Yes
    4. Yes.
    5. Macy the Doberman

    1. Dogs seem to be a popular photo subject

  8. 1. Neither is better. They each have attractive qualities.
    2. After a fashion.
    3. Not officially.
    4. Poison ivy.
    5. An artichoke flower in bloom.

    1. The wonders in your back yard, you make lots of things grow, some of them are things you want to have grow.

  9. 1. Definitely colour.
    2. Yes but mostly in an advisory capacity! I'm ok at weeding.
    3. Many. Roughly 10% of males have a colour defect. Never ask one to pair up your socks, just in case.
    4. Only dead ones.
    5. Sunset two evenings ago.

    1. A French sunset, in living color

  10. 1. Colour - for this example.
    2. I like looking at foliage, not tending to it.
    3. One of my brothers-in-law (brother-in-laws?)
    4. Not that I can recall.
    5. Shep. Duh.
