Saturday, July 13, 2019

Off the Beaten Path Style

We have an upcoming trip, you'll hear about it when we are back.  We are going off the beaten path, taking the back roads, staying in small towns and out of the way places.  It is planned, aimless wandering.  We will see, hear, smell, feel and taste things we have never experienced before.  I have rented an SUV, that will go pretty much anyplace we want to go, the hotels are all booked in perfect succession, carefully planned so that the longest day of travel is only about 125 miles, with lots of time for diversions, side trips, and unexpected stops to take in the awe and wonder of the countryside.  

A friend of mine takes organized tours, with someone else planning out every stop, from hotels, to meals, to shopping, to scenic vistas in advance.  That style works well for her.  I can't imagine not being able to see something and thinking, oh let's stop and see what that is, and having someone else drive on by because it was not on the official itinerary.    

What is your travel style?  


  1. im like to travel like you... and the mistress, well, as long as there is gin she go and do whatever.

  2. I don't like authority telling me what to do (child of the 60s and all). minimal planning and unhurried is my speed.

  3. I like both styles but when I go to foreign countries I tend to go on organized tours. The meandering style I do here in Canada where I know the language and the country.

  4. When there's time, we love to take random roads and turns. However, I'm not all that comfortable doing that in much of middle America.

  5. I like an organized trip knowing where I will be and what's to be done - with built in exception that from 'now until then' there is nothing scheduled to do - whatever.
