Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Cheese is one of my favorite foods, I have tried 100's of cheese, liked most of them, loved many, once was enough for others.  There is a special smell in a place like this, Eataly in Chicago, a funk that only happens when the magic of cheese is really happening.  No pasteurized processed cheese food here, no Velveta. This is the result of magic and enzymes, and patience.  

Almost 20 years ago I co-worker had an adorable baby daughter.  Her first complete sentence was "More cheese please!"  

What is you favorite cheese? 


  1. cheddar, swiss, gouda, havarti (plain and smoked varieties).

    asiago, emmentaler, gruyere, provolone, mozzarella, romano, pecorino (can't have fondue or italian food without these cheeses).

  2. Although I tend to go for the milder cheeses, I do love cheese. I have similar taste to Anne Marie in Philly!

    1. @mitchell - are we brother & sister from another mother? SMOOCH!

  3. Depends on what I'm having it with. Just for munching? Mild cheddar, pepper jack and smoked gouda. The only way I can tolerate a tart apple is by eating it with a hunk of cheddar. Bleu cheese needs to stay in the locker with the rest of the dirty gym socks!
    Ah, Velveeta. Takes me back to my childhood, fighting with my sisters over who gets to chew on the foily wrapper! Cheesy foil gum!

    1. @deedles - your comment about blue cheese made me spit!
