Thursday, December 31, 2020

2020 and 2021 Goals

 A year ago I posted the following goals for 2020: 

  • Keep moving, go to the gym at least 5 times per week, start keeping a gym / activity log (I haven't done that in close to 20 years.) 
  • Take a two week trip to Ireland, Wales and London in early March.  
  • Read 50 books
  • Daily Blog 
  • Add 5,000 photographs to the archive 
  • Continue to build a life outside of the office. 
So how did I do? 
2020 was a year of unexpected changes, kind of complicated. 
  • Going to the gym, and the gym activity log was kept for the first couple of months, then we went to Ireland, Wales and London for 16 days, and returned to the gyms being closed.  Hmm, I shifted directions to my nearly daily walks in the marsh along the Potomac river.  Weather permitting, I walk nearly 2-miles every morning. I did drop the log - it is here in the keyboard drawer on my desk.   
  • The trip to Ireland, Wales and London in early March went off, not exactly as planned, but it was a wonderful experience. I am so glad we did what we did, when we did it, we even had dinner with John of Going Gently.  
  • I finished 28 books, instead of 50.  For years my primary reading time was an hour plus, five days a week on the subway train going to and from the office, and frequent long airline flights.  I have only been on the trains once since the end of February.  I am actually pleased at having finished 28 books, considering the changes in routine. 
  • Daily Blog - mission accomplished once again, I have missed one day in 6 years.  
  • I added about 8,791 photos the archive this year, far exceeding the goal of 5,000 
  • "Continue to build a life outside of the office." I had no idea how much of my life I would spend outside of the office this year, or is it that I am always in the office now that I am working in my bedroom? Working from home, has given me a good handle on post work life.  My daily walks - with the camera in hand, I have had three recipes published this year (I see a cooking blog in the post employment era.) I can much more easily see life after the office, most likely three years from now.  

 Goals for 2021
  • Read 24 books, two a month is a healthy goal. 
  • Continue 45 minutes to an hour per day of physical activity.  Restart the daily activity log, what gets measured gets done. 
  • Blog daily. 
  • Add another 5,000 photos to the archive. 
  • Start to learn to identify birds, flowers and trees.  
  • Reach out to at least one friend per week, even if just to say Hi! 
  • Develop my storytelling - putting a lifetime of adventures into words. 
For the first time in years, there are no travel expectations on my list.  I would love to travel, I miss it as much as Maddie misses sex, well maybe not that much, but I long to travel, when is it safe to do so.  In the cold of winter, I think of warm Florida sunshine and seeing family and friends.  I am coming along well on figuring out life beyond the office, I have some work left to do before I stop working, but I can see the finish line.  

Do you have any plans for the coming year?  


  1. Exercise and stay alive.

    In these times exercising is one of the most important things we can do to not get stationary and get astrophy.

    I will now wish you a peaceful New Year to you both.🎇🍸🎇🍸🎇🍸

    1. Yes, keep moving, keep our minds engaged, Happy New Years!

  2. Anonymous12/31/2020

    Good aspirations. I am looking at the bigger picture of me, me and me.

    1. If we don't take care of "me" no one will.

  3. Ditto Mistress Maddie! Life is what happens when we’re business making plans.

  4. Just survive another year of work and the plague. I turn 50 in May and have foolishly made very tentative plans to celebrate it on the Cape, but I’m not too optimistic it will happen. At this point, everything is day by day.


    1. Congratulations on half a century, I can still remember turning 50. May? A nice drive, or couples long stroll on the beach. A rental house for the week, for the two of you and the furbabies.

  5. You did very well in spite of life's changes. I don't usually set goals at the new year. I will continue to blog and take photos. And, I will look forward to a time when I can travel again. Happy New Year.

    1. I look forward to your blog posts, I need to get back to Phoenix someday.

  6. "build a life outside of the office"... Well, that one was at least, in one sense, wildly successful beyond imagination.

    1. This one was fast-tracked beyond my wildest dream.

  7. I like Maddie's first line.
    I'd also like to read more.
    I'd also like Carlos and myself, and all those we love, to be healthy and safe and alive at the end of 2021.

    HNY, Travel, to you and yours!

    1. Thank you, stay safe, stay well, Happy New Year!

  8. to remain alive and COVID-free in 2021.
    to see the dump and his crime family in a jail cell.
    to knit more artworks.
    (hopefully) to visit friends.

    1. Philly is on our shortlist when things improve, we should drive up, Jay has old college friends in the area that would be easier to see if we had a car. dump is inciting a riot, if I were the DC police I would issue an arrest warrant, or ask a judge for a restraining order.

  9. Haha
    I'm with Maddie. I have not worn a belt since March.
    And I hope we all can travel again sometime in 2021. Really. I have never missed traveling so much.
    And thanks for dropping by!!



    1. I am a silent lurker on your blog most days,

  10. So far my only plan for 2021 is to finish cross-stitching a towel that I stopped work on 30 years ago. Hey, better late than never!

  11. I always enjoy reading other's goals; I read it is good to post them as others knowing help you along with them.
    I hope you met your new ones, esp. the traveling ones.

    1. I look forward to traveling again, someday.
