Monday, August 31, 2020
My Music Monday - Yesterday
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Sunday Five - Kids Yesterday and Today
- What do you have today, that you wish you had a kid?
- Did you drink alcohol, before you were "of age?"
- Did you have a secret hiding place as a kid?
- Did you have a room of your own as a child?
- Where did you escape to as a kid?
- What do you have today, that you wish you had a kid? Spell check, it would have made my life so much easier.
- Did you drink alcohol, before you were "of age?" No, I was a good kid in many ways (meaning I got away with things because, 'he'd never do that!')
- Did you have a secret hiding place as a kid? Not really, my mother always seemed to know where I was.
- Did you have a room of your own as a child? Not until my brothers left home, until I was 13 there were three of us sharing a bedroom.
- Where did you escape to as a kid? The old barn on the farm, no one went there, it was old, quiet, and only a little spooky.
Saturday, August 29, 2020
I Remember When
I remember working with carbon paper, before every office had a copy machine, we used carbon paper to produce copies of contracts to build homes. It was fussy stuff, but with a little care, and a hard press it did the job. For simple change orders we used carbonless (NCR) forms.
I remember buying my first copy machine in 1988. I was working a project near the University of Central Florida. One of my customers brought in his brother to buy a house one morning. The brother sold copy machines for a living. We talked, be bought a house, I bought a copy machine. It was around $1,000, and does less than the $150 HP that I have at home today. Within a couple of days, I had someone in, who was looking at a new design, that we didn't have flyers on. I copied the floor plan from the blueprints, she showed them to her husband that evening, and came back the next morning to buy. Having the machine, resulted in an extra sale that I might have otherwise missed. That $1,000 machine, made me a lot of money. A year or so later, the company caught on, and started buying machines for every office.
I was surprised to see this in use, in a hardware store in a small town in northern Ohio this month. I wonder if someone is still printing the forms, or if they stocked up on a lifetime supply.
Friday, August 28, 2020
Friday Night and We are Not Eating Out
I miss eating out in restaurants. We did on the trip, kind of had to we were on the road for 5 days. It was nice to see fewer tables, and tables left intentionally empty. In the past few years restaurants have packed the tables in so tightly you couldn't get in and out without asking the table next to you to move. Having a little extra space is nice.
Menus are photocopies, single use and disposable. One place had them printed as a placemat. The burger place had theirs online using a QR code, except I don't have a QR code reader on my phone.
The greasy ketchup bottles are gone, as are the grimy salt and pepper shakers. Single serve, on request has become the norm for this. I have at times gone to wash my hands after handling the dirty condiment containers left out on restaurant tables. This is a change that I hope will last long term. As a good french chef will tell you, if the cook seasons properly, the table should NEVER ask for salt and pepper.
Fast food, we had lunch from Micky D's and Burger King while driving, have closed their inside dining rooms. One had tables outside, a couple of times we ended up eating in the car. It worked, we have gotten out of the habit of eating in the car. The car stays cleaner.
I have not lost hope, in time we will return to restaurants, we will return to hotels and travel. In time.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Me Again
A long, long time ago, early in the morning, after a night long thunderstorm, I was born on my Grandfather's Birthday, this day. I have somehow survived another year. I have reached the point that Ron describes as having more yesterdays, than tomorrows, but I probably have a few good years left to go. I thought about doing a video, as Spo often does, but I couldn't decide what to say. Like John I am surrounded by things I like, that have meaning to me, there is really not much that I want or need. If you really must, a Krogen 70 is always a thoughtful gift, if it comes with a trust fund to fill the fuel tanks.
I am taking the day off and I will spend the morning checking in with friends. I will start off my morning living vicariously through Walt and Ken. Anne Marie sent me a card a few days ago. I will check in with Sharon in Phoenix, and see what the Mistress is up to today, and check in down under with Andrew and on Mitchell, SG and the cats, and on Fearsome and Blobby. I will check the latest politics with Bob. I will check in on a few others, some of whom I wish posted often enough to check on daily. If I missed mentioning you, sorry!
I will be home with my love. Hoping for a quiet day.
Birthdays can be weird for me, my mother forgot mine several times, I was let go from a job once (reduction in force) on my birthday. So I tend to lay low. Five years ago we had lunch and I had one beer (just one) at the Hofbrau House in Munich, that was memorable.
Take care, have fun, treasure each day, each week, each month, and each year. Our time is finite, our supply of birthdays is not unlimited. Enjoy, I will.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The Way We Were Wednesday - Simple Wood Boat
Any early boat memories for you?
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Opportunities in the future
The experts are saying that 60% of the restaurants that closed for the pandemic, will never reopen. The restaurant business is fickle, having one of the highest closure rates of small businesses. But 60% in one years is a lot of closure. As things come back, this also creates a lot of opportunities. There will be a lot of fitted out ready for a good cleaning and coat of paint restaurant spaces available for new entrepreneurs. Every restaurant has the server who thinks, "I can deliver better service than this." The cook, who knows that can make "better food than this." And the person with a head for numbers who knows they can "deliver a better value." The three keys to success in the restaurant business, quality, service and value. As things settle into the new normal in the coming months there has never been a better opportunity for them to take the plunge.
At the same time there are massive changes to the food service supply chain. The supply chain is set up to standardize with mediocrity, for a savings of a few pennies here and there, the food supply that goes into the typical restaurant. One of the reasons you seldom find fresh and local in a restaurant, is fresh and local does not fit into the global supply chain that aims to deliver the same product, for the lowest price, everyday of the year. In doing so it standardizes mediocrity. That supply chain has been brought to a halt, and is starting back in fits and starts, opening the door for fresh, seasonal and local to find its way in the back door of a restaurant near you and into the hands of the talented cook who always thought they could deliver better quality, better value (note I didn't say cheaper), into the hands of servers who know they can deliver a better dining experience. Now is the time for the farmers and dairies and vintners to go direct to the kitchens of the new opportunity restaurant near you.
It may take months, or even a couple of years, but I think we will see a revolution in new restaurants, offering unique food and service.
What kind of a restaurant would you like to have open near you?
Monday, August 24, 2020
My Music Monday : Signs - The Five Man Electrical Band 1971
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Sunday Five - Do You Remember
- Do you remember the first time you paid more than $1 per gallon for gas (hmm, how does that convert for those outside of the USA? 1-eruo or 1-GPB per litre?)
- 8-Track tape players?
- When Richard Nixon resigned as US president?
- Tell us about your first visit to a public library?
- The first time you saw a Heron?
- Do you remember the first time you paid more than $1 per gallon for gas (petrol) (hmm, how does that convert for those outside of the USA? 1-eruo or 1-GPB per litre?) It would have been 1978, a Gulf oil station in Titusville, FL at the corner of US-1 and Knox McRae (there is a bank there now.) The pumps couldn't handle a price over a dollar, so they set them to the price per half-gallon.
- 8-Track tape players? I had one in the early 1970's and wanted a recorder - but they went out of date before you knew it.
- When Richard Nixon resigned as US president? We were visiting a flying friend of my fathers, I think I cried, while others cheered.
- Tell us about your first visit to a public library? It would have been in North Branch, Michigan, probably with my grandmother, the library was above the 5 and Dime store, next to the Pioneer Bank, up a flight of wood stairs, lots of dark wood bookcases, I was probably 5 or 6.
- The first time you saw a Heron? There was one that visited the wetlands on the farm when I was a child, my mother was thrilled when it landed in the corner of the yard. (Neat photo of one in flight?)
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The photo above, first the Irish Yeast Company, yeast is such a core of baking, the bread involved in my breakfast relies on yeast. Then look at the details and decoration in the facade. Amazing.
Would you join me for breakfast?
Friday, August 21, 2020
I wonder, did someone quit, or simply leave this behind?
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Questions to Ponder
- Do fish dream?
- Is it strange that human kinds greatest predators, are so tiny you can not see them unaided?
- Are we more afraid of bears, or are bears more afraid of us?
- If you could live forever, would you want to?
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
The Way We Were Wednesday - Playgrounds
I have simple memories of playgrounds as a child. Swings, slides, walking slowly, looking at the place and time.
Any idea who she grew up to be?
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
I'm Back!

Monday, August 17, 2020
My Music Monday - On The Sunny Side Of The Street
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Sunday Five - Influences

- Describe a person who has been a positive role model in your life?
- Describe a person who was a naughty influence on your life?
- Describe a person who was always fun?
- Who was the Debbie Downer in your life?
- Who are you influencing and how?
- Describe a person who has been a positive role model in your life? My paternal grandmother, she was strong, understanding, and a positive thinker.
- Describe a person who was a naughty influence on your life? A high school friend, Robby, he was fun - until he got older and turned bitter.
- Describe a person who was always fun? Uncle Richard, he was a master storyteller and always had an adventure or misadventure to talk about.
- Who was the Debbie Downer in your life? My maternal grandmother, yes she had a difficult life, but they had also had some awesome adventures.
- Who are you influencing and how? My dear readers, I hope I entertain you, help you find the sunny side of life.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Have you participated in crowdsourcing?
Friday, August 14, 2020
Looking forward
- I want to write a cookbook. Now my idea here is a book that talks about basic techniques, a whole chapter on getting sauced. Not on drinking, but on basic sauce making and how to use that to build great cooking. You get the idea. It will be a labor of love, and will take time.
- I want to create a couple of books of photos. I am loving my morning walks in the marsh along the Potomac River, I am collecting photos, it will take time to collect the images, identify the birds, bugs, trees, and flowers (turtles a couple of mornings recently.) Writing and editing the text will take time, and I hope to have time.
- I want to spend more time in England and Wales, to revisit France, and Italy. We have never been to Spain and Portugal, or scandinavia.
- I need to check off the last two US states. Maybe publish a list of my experiences in all 50 US states. There should be an association for people who have been to all 50 states.
- All of that and laundry, and shopping and I will stay busy.
What am I missing?
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Pretty Bird
If you could ask the cardinal one questions, what would it be?
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
The Way We Were Wednesday - To The Moon
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Why We Do - What We Do
I do a lot of training, if what I say helps one person, help one person to live a better life, it was all worth it.
My goal for the day, make the world a better place for at least one person.
When was the last time you had a flashback that reminded you why you do what you do?
Monday, August 10, 2020
My Music Mondau - Kim Carnes - Paris Without You
Sunday, August 09, 2020
The Sunday Five - In the Beginning
Saturday, August 08, 2020
Not That Tube - You Tube
Friday, August 07, 2020
Baa- Baa
Thursday, August 06, 2020
Birds in the Marsh
Wednesday, August 05, 2020
The Way We Were Wednesday - The Future is Changed by the Past
Tuesday, August 04, 2020
Commentary on Comments
- Allow comments. There are a couple of blogs I look at from time to time because I enjoy what the person has to say, that don't allow comments. I don't read them as often, I don't feel the same sense of connection to the authors that I do through an exchange of comments, though I think if we got to know one another we would enjoy it.
- If you want comments, comment on other people's blogs. The more blogs I comment on, the more comments I receive.
- Reply to comments. Many regular commenters check back to see if you read their comment, or what you thought of it. Think of it as returning a hello to someone you pass on the street.
- Your comments don't have to be an essay, just a few words to say, hi, I was here and I read what you wrote.
- Be kind in your comments. Be kind in your replies to comments.
- Spam and Trolls happen. Spam I simply delete, they usually go away after a few days. Trolls should be ignored, not encouraged. If the Trolls are rude, delete them. Unfortunately I don't know how to block them. I have never turned on moderation, but I have deleted spammers and trolls.
- Expect that some posts, may draw disagreement in the comments. There are topics I avoid, I recently posted something political and within an hour took it down because I knew it was going to draw a lot of negativity (even if I agree with the negative comments, I didn't want it on my blog.) I shouldn't have posted that post.