Sunday, January 05, 2020

Sunday Five - Tasks

John over at Going Gently recently wrote about music playing gently in the room of a hospice patient, this reminded me of the importance of creating the sound track of our lives.  For the last couple months of my mother's life the room was filled with Fox News or reruns of Love it or List it, she couldn't tell people what she wanted, I think she would have sooner been dead than bombarded with Sean Hannity.  So here is a task list:  

1: What music do want playing as the sound track of your life? 
2: Who do you want around if you are too sick to say yea or nae? 
3: What is your favorite food, what do you want to eat on your deathbed? 
4: If I were sitting by your bedside, reading to you, what do you want me to read? 
5: Window open, or window closed in your room? 

My answers:
1: What music do want playing as the sound track of your life? Look at my online music, I am surrounded by what I enjoy.  
2: Who do you want around if you are too sick to say yea or nae? 
My sweet bear, the bloggers who comment all the time, my sister. 
3: What is your favorite food, what do you want to eat on your deathbed? Chocolate and cheese, washed down with a fine single barrel bourbon (back of the bottom shelf in the locked glass case in the dining room is where you will find the really good stuff.)  
4: If I were sitting by your bedside, reading to you, what do you want me to read? Hmm, I'd be reading to myself.  The collected verse of Edgar Guest. 
5: Window open, or window closed in your room?  Window closed and the heat or air-conditioning on - fresh air- are you trying to kill me!

Please share your answers in the comments. 


  1. 1. Music: Allen Sherman's greatest hits. George Jones' He Stopped Loving Her Today, just for giggles.

    2. Yea or nae to what? BH doesn't need to be arrested for inappropriate behavior! Anyone who isn't going to cry all over me is welcome.

    3. Food: Anything unhealthy, because what's the point? A two pound box of See's candy.

    4. The Scarlet Letter. That thing will put me to sleep in nothing flat!

    5. Window open, just like now.

    1. Thanks for being the first to comment.

  2. 1: Enya as she is integral to so many times of my life. She has been a sort of Journey Angel for me. I hope to go with her in the background.
    2: it will not matter.
    3: Cheese
    4: Poetry
    5: Window open

    1. Window open to let the spirits out?
