Friday, February 15, 2019

I don't know how to answer that?

A couple of weeks ago, we went to Cleveland for a long weekend for a mid-winter family picnic.  J's family are a fun bunch, mostly central European stock.  The hotel we selected was only a couple of miles from the Pierogi shop.  Always a fun place.  
We took J's mother out to dinner one time and I ordered Ravioli, she was curious what it was.  I showed her, she tried one, and said, "why don't they just call them Pierogi, like everyone else?"  I miss Lill.  


  1. I have been saying the first one for years!

  2. mistress maddie says the first one to ALL the boyz; that's why she's so popular!

    I like ravioli better than pierogi; better fillings, like lobster.

  3. Like everyone else!!! Priceless. You bet your dupa!

  4. Every culture has its version of perogies!
