Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Sometimes the Place is the Destination

Milwaukee Museum of Art 

Wisconsin was one of the missing states, I had been to every state around it, and never been to Wisconsin.  So last May when we were in Chicago, we took the train to Milwaukee for lunch and little wander around.  When I mentioned where I was going, people said you should see the art museum down on the water, the building is worth the visit.  What can I say, besides, OMG!  It is a spectacular example of modern architecture. The wings on it open and close, the lines and symmetry are spectacular.  It is light filled and awe inspiring.  Well worth the trip. They have a nice, mostly modern art collection,.  

On the way back to the train station we stumbled across the incredibly active market, an old farmers market, reinvented as an urban market.  Very nice.  Move it a 1,000 miles south and I would consider living there.  


  1. I have been thru milwaukee by train, but have never stopped to visit. now I have some reasons!

  2. I was in Milwaukee last July but I only was passing through and had stopped at Sprecher's Brewery to load up. lolz

  3. Anonymous4/08/2015

    I read your comment on Going Gently and would like to recommend a book. Jo Dereske spent a year in rural MI with her late husband caring for her aunt and uncle who had dementia. I think you would find it meaningful.
    Best wishes, Jan

  4. That was a fun little trip. First time I encountered San Pellegrino pomegranate soda, And we rode a TRAIN!!!

  5. I love discoveries like this!

    Peace <3

  6. they have lovely cheese items; the curds are especially good.
