Tuesday, April 21, 2015

LA IS a Great Big Freeway

LA Subway Station in West Hollywood

But it also has a modern subway system.  It is not an extensive system like New York, London or Paris, but if it is going from where you are at to where you are going, it will get you there efficiently, in  comfort and for little cost.  This is the station in West Hollywood.  I was staying in a hotel a block away and when I asked about the subway, the concierge sort of stared at me, and asked if I wanted to rent a car or take taxi.  No I wanted to ride the subway.  I found my way in, bought a fare card and away I went.  I rode down to LA's Union Station and walked from there to the home of the French Dip sandwich.  When I was done I rode it back.  

I am a huge fan of public transit, especially subways and lite-rail.  Riding the trains I see the locals and sometimes the back side of the city.  I avoid traffic and parking.  Transit is usually the bargain way to get around.  The LA system is relatively new, and works very well.  I would heartily recommend it for a view from down under the city.  


  1. "put a hundred down and buy a car, in a week maybe two they'll make you a star!"

    1. You are our Star!

    2. awwwwwww (blushes); nope, just another human being on the road of life.

  2. In A Week, Maybe Two they will make you a star!

  3. Thats quite a magical photo

  4. I enjoy riding rapid transit. I would take the subway any day!

    Peace <3

  5. Wow, L.A. has sure changed since I lived there. I never dreamed they'd actually have a subway. Reminds me a LITTLE bit of London.

  6. Phoenix has hardly any. The one they built is happily used and may inspire more.
