Wednesday, October 16, 2024

My World of Wonders, aka the Wednesday Ws October 16, 2024

Where have I been this week?  Close to home, the grocery store / pharmacy, a walk at the airport, a walk on King Street, the library, a walk in the swamp at Dyke Marsh, the farmers market, a walk and out to lunch, and the Hirshorn. 

What have I been cooking this week?  I bought a whole beef tenderloin and cut steaks and roasts from it, so we had steak the other day, chicken noodle soup, a lemon custard pie, 

Who have I heard from?  Kim, and old co-worker from my home builder days in Florida.  She wants to know when I am going to come for a visit, it has been a long time. 

When will I start planning the next adventure?  Already have, and figured out this week why I was having trouble finding a hotel in Amsterdam.  It is Kings Day weekend, we will be skipping Amsterdam on next springs adventure. 

What is the sculpture above?  The end of last month, Angus from St Andrews was here in Washington DC. He posted a photo of this, I instantly knew where it was, it is along the side of the a Catholic church near Gallery Place.  I have walked or ridden a bike past it a thousand times in the past 16 years. The church does a lot of outreach to homeless persons in the community. There was a lady a block or so from there who lived in cardboard boxes for years. She would always smile and say Hi when I walked by. She would tell anyone who would listen, that she was owed money.  A volunteer took her serious one day, and discovered that she was entitled to a federal pension based on 30 years of work in a government office.  She had failed to cash the checks during a period of mental health issues, and the payments had been put on hold.  She was owed a decade of back pay, and enough of a monthly payment to live with dignity.  

What made me go "Huh!" this week?  Politicians, and a family member, who think that the government is manipulating the weather. Untreated mental illness is a real problem at times.  

What made me sad this week? I walked past the White House a few days ago, and the 20 foot tall riot fence has been put back up.  This is an additional barrier, about 250 feet away from the usual spiked fence around the Presidential Residence. It is good to see that they are prepared incase a sore loser decides to send his mob to forcibly attack the White House, very-very sad that it is necessary. I hope the police are well armed and authorized to shoot if attacked. 

What made me sad part 2? An old friend is in poor health, heart failure, kidney failure, he has been in the hospital for five weeks. 





  1. As #45 said, just 24 hours of heavy law enforcement. It would be good if democracy was under threat by an attempt to storm the Whitehouse, a shoot to kill policy was in place.

    1. Security is, and needs to be tight.

  2. I still cant believe the controlling the weather thing.

    But beef tenderloin? I'll be right there!
