Saturday, January 20, 2018

Fire and Fury

I read Fire and Fury, the book about the first few months of the Trump administration.  It is a virtual user guide to DJT.  Want to know how to influence him, read the book; want to know how to bore him, read the book; want to know how to make him mad - well we all know how to do that we don't need to read the book for that.  It is hard to tell how factually accurate the book is, and many people are pissed off about things  - true or not true- that the book says.  Even ignoring the facts, the book speaks volumes about the personalities, and working styles of those inside.  

Have you read it?   


  1. I really want to read it. It should be interesting, at least.

  2. I doubt that I will. I don't know what more I can do with my anger and frustration.

  3. not sure. I AM putting on my pussyhat AND my "nasty woman" shirt today in solidarity with other protestors!

  4. I will leave a copy in the bathroom in case I run out of tp.



  5. Nope, I read to escape the craziness, not add to it.

  6. No. I won't read it. I am beyond the point of burn out with hearing his name. I've resigned myself we have a idiot ruining our least for now........

  7. No I have not read it. I have way too much ahead of it
