Friday, June 19, 2015

Oh Yes, No Fears, No Regrets

Ruth Glacier, Mt. McKinley, Alaska

The Ruth Glacier on the side of Mt McKinley is in the bottom of a gorge, the "flightseeing" planes fly up a steep canyon with the glacier at the bottom.  You look out the sides and there are sheer rock faces soaring above the wings on both sides.  At the top of the canyon, the planes turn around, at one point you look out through the front and you can see the spinning propeller and a sheer rock face dead ahead. The sides of the gorge are too steep and the altitudes to high to try to fly up and over the top. So yes, it is a time for no fears, after you have experiences it you will have no regrets. It is a thrilling ride, not for the faint of heart, a time for trust in the pilot and the plane.  
So when you have the opportunity, go and do.  Life can be filled with woulda, coulda and shouda moments, we regret most what we didn't do, but regret is a wasteful emotion.  The best way to avoid wasting your life thinking about what you might have done is to live with no fears and no regrets, go and do and have fun.  


  1. NO F-ING WAY! I have phobias about heights and airplanes and tight spaces. I would have to be content with a picture book.

  2. I can't wait to get there! I want to do this so badly!!!

    Peace <3

  3. Ralph W. Emerson says we should always do the thing we are afraid of.
