Saturday, January 26, 2019

Midway Kentucky

Midway, Kentucky, is midway between Lexington and Frankfort.  It is an old railroad town, a water stop in the steam fired days.  The tracks run down the middle of Main Street street in town.  The town has turned itself into a minor tourist stop, with shops and restaurants.  There is a small private liberal art college, now calling itself a University on the edge of town.  It is the kind of place where you could walk to most everything and everyone would know what everyone was doing.  

I did a house call in Midway for Hospice one day.  The client was born there, and and never been out of the county. Lexington, only 15 miles away was a frightening big city to her, she had never been there. She was glad that I was brave enough to live and work in Lexington (a city of about 250,000 people) and kind enough to see her at home.  

Are you cut out for small town life? 


  1. hell no!

    and never going to the city is what makes people ignorant and "cling to their guns and religion" (courtesy of barack obama).

    my SIL/BIL are scared to go to philly or NYC; the boogeyman might get them.

  2. Definitely not. Nice places to visit... sometimes!

  3. I'm cut out for something in between small town and big city, as long as the people are not small minded bigots (that should go without saying, huh?).

  4. I never want to go back to small town living. I spent the first 18 years of my life in a small town and that is enough. Give me city life!

  5. I was bewildered why Mother did not want to live in her home town when I thought it idyllic. She explained in a small town everyone knew everyone's business. If I lived in a small town would be the talk the teepees and driven out in no time.
