Sunday, January 05, 2025

The Sunday Five: Retirement

1: Past, present, or future, what is your planned retirement date? 

2: Will you stay where you are, or move in retirement? 

3: Over 2,000 years ago, Seneca wrote, "the law grants people retirement more easily than they do themselves." Are you ready to allow yourself to enjoy retirement? 

4: What is the greatest obstacle you face in retirement? 

5: What is, or will be the greatest joy in retirement? 

My answers: 

1: Past, present, or future, what is your planned retirement date? January 5, 2024, one year ago today, hence the topic of this weeks Sunday Five. 

2: Will you stay where you are, or move in retirement? Our plan is to stay put, we like it here. 

3: Over 2,000 years ago, Seneca wrote, "the law grants people retirement more easily than they do themselves." Are you ready to allow yourself to enjoy retirement? I am still working on allowing myself to relax and enjoy, and not feel guilty about not working. 

4: What is the greatest obstacle you face in retirement?  Fear of starting to spend the income from the retirement savings.  

5: What is, or will be the greatest joy in retirement?  Freedom to travel without worrying about returning the office. 

Please share your answers in the comments. 


  1. 1. September, 2019.
    2. I stayed where I am.
    3. I am still very happy that I am retired.
    4. I had that fear but I do not now. I struggle to spend money now, although travel is on pause at the moment.
    5. After a working life of rotating shift work, I now get up at the same time each morning.

    1. I have periodic fits of stinginess. Then I remind myself, this is what we saved it for.

  2. Retirement? Other than planning now, 401's and some light planning with stocks with an advisor, it have some time, like 20 years to go yet. But I already know, I will LOVE sleeping in. I have and will always dislike mornings.

    1. Having a target date, or age, or year, helps make the plans real.

  3. 1: Past, present, or future, what is your planned retirement date? 2011
    2: Will you stay where you are, or move in retirement? Already moved and moved and moved again.
    3: Over 2,000 years ago, Seneca wrote, "the law grants people retirement more easily than they do themselves." Are you ready to allow yourself to enjoy retirement? I was immediately.
    4: What is the greatest obstacle you face in retirement? No big jumps in income to look forward to.
    5: What is, or will be the greatest joy in retirement? NOT working for a living.

    1. I miss the people in the office, and every other Friday.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Don't be shy (i will check spam for a revised comment.)

  5. 1: Past, present, or future, what is your planned retirement date? I retired in September 2009.
    2: Will you stay where you are, or move in retirement? We have stayed where we are but in a few years we might sell up and move to a more manageable residence.
    3: Over 2,000 years ago, Seneca wrote, "the law grants people retirement more easily than they do themselves." Are you ready to allow yourself to enjoy retirement? Yes. I was ready in 2009 when I was the oldest teacher in the tough high school where I worked. Later I taught in Thailand for a while.
    4: What is the greatest obstacle you face in retirement? I have stared at this question for a few minutes and cannot come up with anything.
    5: What is, or will be the greatest joy in retirement? Plodding new walking routes and taking pictures PLUS the presence of three grandchildren in my life.

    1. The condo is all on one level and as age friendly as it can be.

  6. I am starting my 8th year of retirement. I have never felt guilty for one second for not working any longer. I revel in it still!

    1. Slendid, and now you have time to draw, paint, and worship the cats.

  7. 1. No set date, but soon-ish.
    2. For now we will stay in NE Ohio. Cost of living is good and we will be able to travel.
    3. It will be interesting to see if I can 'let go'. We are all so tied to what we do for a living, I don't know what retirement will truly look like.
    4. It's always going to be financial. It will be about money going out. Some will come in due to SS (should it still exist) and investments, but won't equal out.
    5. I'm hoping it will be more travel. But the see #4

    1. One of the greatest financial challenges for we baby boomers, is adjusting to spending what we have spent a lifetime saving.

  8. 1: Past, present, or future, what is your planned retirement date? Future, though I don't have an exact date; I'm enjoying my work, and to be fair, only work four days a week with a three day weekend every week, so I might keep at it for a spell.
    2: Will you stay where you are, or move in retirement? We will probably stay here; it's a quiet peaceful little town and we have a good circle of friends.
    3: Over 2,000 years ago, Seneca wrote, "the law grants people retirement more easily than they do themselves." Are you ready to allow yourself to enjoy retirement? I think I am, though I won't ever be the stay at home retiree; I have already looked into volunteer work in the area to keep me active and entertained and amused and helpful.
    4: What is the greatest obstacle you face in retirement? That not steady income--which is one reason we paid off the house.
    5: What is, or will be the greatest joy in retirement? Possibilities.

    1. I bet there is an animal rescue nearby that could keep you busy for years.

    2. That would be on the short list!

  9. 1: Past, present, or future, what is your planned retirement date? I've retired twice but find that I enjoy working so started working part time. It keeps my mind active.
    2: Will you stay where you are, or move in retirement? Stay for now.
    3: Over 2,000 years ago, Seneca wrote, "the law grants people retirement more easily than they do themselves." Are you ready to allow yourself to enjoy retirement? I do enjoy my free time and I enjoy my work.
    4: What is the greatest obstacle you face in retirement? finances I suppose
    5: What is, or will be the greatest joy in retirement? I'm not sure since I like the working part time situation I have now.

    1. Staying engaged is important, you do that by working.

  10. 1. I retired in June 2019.
    2. Stay
    3. I still feel guilty about not being productive. But I'm getting used to it.
    4. Will my money last as long as I do?
    5. Relaxing and reading.

    1. I have that feeling that I should be doing something productive.

  11. 1: Past, present, or future, what is your planned retirement date? I left teaching in 2010. It wasn't planned: my mom and Todd's parents were in need of extra sets of eyes on them, but not quite to the point of needing care in a facility. I went back to substitute teaching for a few years and after that working at the farmer's market.

    2: Will you stay where you are, or move in retirement? We're staying where we are.

    3: Over 2,000 years ago, Seneca wrote, "the law grants people retirement more easily than they do themselves." Are you ready to allow yourself to enjoy retirement? I enjoy having my own time and part of that involves working at the farmer's market for 4-5 months. The schedule there is very flexible.

    4: What is the greatest obstacle you face in retirement? Finances, although my financial wizard husband assures me that we are good to go.

    5: What is, or will be the greatest joy in retirement? Freedom to explore and try new things.

    1. The farmers market looks like a joy.

  12. 1: Retirement date? I haven't really thought about it much. *smirk!* I will retire in 497 days on May 17, 2026 @ 3:00pm EST.

    2: Stay or move in retirement? It is our hope to move. We live in a very conservative neighborhood and I no longer feel as safe as I did. Also, we want to live somewhere we really like (we chose this house because its close to my mom.) BUT, if it makes the most financial sense to stay put, and the neighbors haven't started burning crosses on our lawn, staying isn't completely out of the question. A lot can happen in 17 months.

    3: Are you ready to allow yourself to enjoy retirement? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I am retiring the moment I am able to and I plan to enjoy the hell out of it.

    4: What is the greatest obstacle you face in retirement? Feeling guilty that I'm retired while close friends who are miserable in their jobs are stuck working several more years. (especially Jeffrey.)

    5: What is, or will be the greatest joy in retirement? FREEDOM! Being 100% in control of my time and not having to answer to anyone.


    1. I am talking with people who long to retire, and are 20 years younger than I am. They have a long haul to go.

  13. 1: Past, present, or future, what is your planned retirement date? 7/1/2024
    2: Will you stay where you are, or move in retirement? I'd love to move to San Diego, but will probably stay in the same city since I've spent most all of my adult life here (grow where you're planted). I want to move into a home with more accessible features and less maintenance (house is 97 years old).
    3: Over 2,000 years ago, Seneca wrote, "the law grants people retirement more easily than they do themselves." Are you ready to allow yourself to enjoy retirement? Six months in, I'm off to a mixed start. I'm still not sure what retirement actually looks like. The first 4 months were consumed with helping a friend through a medical event. However during this period I also regained some control over my own health - lost 25#, brought my Hb1AC down and am working on managing it, and have improved quality and duration of sleep. See answer to #4 below for "enjoyment."
    4: What is the greatest obstacle you face in retirement? Financial. The work around is to remember past interests and experiences that were fulfilling at other points in life when resources were limited - gallery studies on the museum's "free day", drawing, printmaking, day hikes, bicycling (i.e. Alice Trillin "Living like a graduate student'). I also did a significant amount of volunteer work prior to COVID on the theory that it would be a continuation in retirement rather than something new.
    5: What is, or will be the greatest joy in retirement? Autonomy and the end of the tyranny of the clock!

    Will Jay

    1. It is a journey, and yes there are lots of free and low cost things that keep us engaged.
