Friday, January 10, 2025

Funky Friday: The Flatiron House

Many of us have heard of the Flatiron Building in New York City. It was built on a triangular lot, one of the first buildings with elevators, at the time it was built one of the tallest buildings in New York City. When we were in NYC in October, I walked over to see it, it is being renovated, and was wrapped in scaffolding.  

Old Town Alexandria, has a flatiron house, a house that comes to a triangular point.  It is a couple of blocks south of King Street, at the corner of Payne and Commerce.  These are old streets, this is not a house that was sliced off when a street was built, it was built to maximize the house that could be built on a lot that came to a point on a corner.  I have to think that the rooms on the corner are a challenge to furnish, use, - live in.  

I bet I have walked past this house 50 times in the past 15 years, and I didn't notice it's funky shape until recently.  Amazing what we see when we take time to look.  


  1. Maybe a bookcase might be the best idea for such a corner.

  2. Wouldn’t you love to get inside that house?
