Almost everyday, I take a walk for an hour or so. If the weather is nice, I enjoy a long walk outside. If the weather is unpleasant, I spend an hour on the treadmill. The Condominium Community Center is just across the drive, from the back entrance to the building we live in. A 200-300 foot walk outside. A few years ago the association built a new fitness center, with big windows overlooking the ravine and hillside, the room has good equipment.
Getting my daily walk in is a promise to myself, that I will keep my body moving. My doctor tells me, good job, do more, and I largely ignore her. I am not doing this for her, I am doing it for me. A promise I have made to myself to move as long as I can do so. No excuses, as long as the body is able - the promise to myself needs to overcome the excuses and distractions.
My hour gives me time to listen to podcasts and watch YouTube videos. Feeding my mind and entertaining myself - most days a mixture of the two.
There are many temptations in life to skip the walk, to eat things that are unhealthy or in unhealthy quantities, to drink too much (or at all depending on your health.) I remind myself that I have made myself a promise to eat more carefully, to never endure a hangover again. I remind myself "that is contrary to the healthy promises I have made to myself."
There are many other promises to myself. I work hard to not disappoint myself.
I love walking. But I have two pooches that need walked, so there is a daily walk in the park, which make me exercise as well.