Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Way We Were Wednesday - Running

 I ran for about a decade, starting in my late 20's.  There was a nice running series in central Florida.  I ran 4 or 5 mornings a week, and about 20 Saturdays a year, I would go off to a race.  This was taken at a 10K in downtown Orlando.  There are good reasons why I stopped running, but I have to admit I do miss it.  I miss the time alone, without interruptions.  I miss seeing the landscape at 4 or 5 miles per hour, with nothing between me and the wind.  I miss the magic of movement.  I am glad I ran before everyone seemed to be plugged into headsets.  

I am getting some of that back with my morning walks along the river.  Time alone, with just my thoughts, seeing the world one on one.  But the magic of movement isn't the same. 

Are you a runner or former runner? 


  1. Oh darling...Im a runner! I run late, I ran from republicans, I run after my gin and I run my mouth, I run after men...

    1. Be careful what you catch up with

    2. gin and menz ALWAYS catch maddie!

    3. At least 2020 didn't bring the great gin shortage,

  2. Replies
    1. But you have cats, so all is well with the world.

  3. I applaud the strength of your long distance running and participating in the marathon.
    I can't run that far and fast as you do.
    Greetings from Indonesia.

  4. No, I've never been a runner but I've always been a walker and I love it. No matter where I go, I love to walk and see new things. Which is part of the explanation why I hated the one and only cruise I took. Three times around the deck and I'd seen it all.

    1. Good evaluation on the cruise.

  5. I've never been a runner. As a result, now in my 60s, my knees are still good.

  6. Running? On purpose? Oh, darlin', no. I've had the runs, though. Wouldn't recommend it. In my long forgotten youth, I used to walk everywhere. Not for exercise, just to get to places. I was fine with that until BH decided I needed to learn how to drive after the kids where born. Oh, what might have been.

    1. I have a colleague, nearly my age who has never learned to dive. My father insisted I get a driving license when I turned 16,

  7. Anonymous9/30/2020

    I was about 23 and I went for a run. Never again.

  8. I have been thinking to starting running as I am not OK to return to the gym yet.
    Alas I am quite out of shape AND it remains nearly 40C every day. I will have to wait I suppose until the temperature drops lest I drop.

  9. Former runner. Bursitis at the age of 30 put an end to that for a number of years. Got the bursitis under control and now it's sciatica. Damnit! I love walking but REALLY loved running. I've managed it on the beach lately, but only in short bursts. Not the same as running several miles and finding that zone.
