Monday, September 28, 2020

My Music Monday - Time In A Bottle

When I saw this wine bottle floating in the river one morning recently, I thought of two songs, Message in a Bottle by Sting, and Jim Croce's hauntingly beautiful Time in a Bottle.   

There is a lot of stress and despair going around right now. All I can say is, there, there, it will all be okay.  Happiness is something we need to find inside, happiness is in us. 

In tough times we can do our best work. I met a college professor about 20 years ago who had started her career in one of the eastern European countries torn apart by civil war.  She spoke of the desperation of burning her books, not because of what was in them, but because it was the only way to stay warm when the war shut off the gas and electricity one winter. During that time, she wrote what she considered to be some of her work. As I have told a few friends going through difficult times, the best is yet to come.   

What would you put in the bottle? 


  1. If your reading this, you got this damn note out of the bottle.

    Someone should have their ass beaten for polluting that body of water.

    1. Volunteers last Saturday removed 26 bags of plastic and glass from that 3/4 miles of waterfront trail, the junk that floated down the river included two gas grills, and an extra propane tank,

    2. Disgusting....and this is why a river and ocean marine life is dying at alarming rates.

  2. jim & ingrid & AJ did not live too far away from my location. jim is buried 1/2 hour away from me in a jewish cemetery. he was one of a kind.

    "help us, obi-wan kenobi! you're our only hope!" - bottle message

    1. Obi-wan kenobi might respond, the universe helps those who are open to help.

  3. Anonymous9/28/2020

    Oh dear. My mind goes to the gutter.

  4. Or as they say several times in The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, "All will be right in the end. If it is not right, then it is not the end" or something like that.
    I have not seen that video in decades. Thank you for posting it.

    1. Thanks, I hope you are doing well.

  5. I have not thought of this; I do not know. Perhaps a poem.
