Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Time Flies

As I described it one day, I never thought I would see the day when I would be earning a living in my bedroom, and so it has been for six months now.  As I get older, the years seem to tick by faster.  It seems like only yesterday I was 20-something, suddenly I am three times that.  

I mentioned in a comment on another blog recently that I fully expect, in fact one of my goals in life, is to die with items undone on my "to do" list.  Having things to do makes me happy, gives purpose to my life.  

I expect when I finish traveling, there will still be places I would like to visit.  I do hope I have the good sense to know when to stop traveling.  Then again, maybe I will be one of the lucky ones that dies silently on the return flight from someplace I have always wanted to go.  Back when I was in law school I interned at a legal aid program.  The office administrator and her husband took a long planned and much dreamed about trip.  On the flight home, her husband was in the window seat and she thought he was sleeping, but when the plane landed he didn't wake up.  He had died quietly with a dream fulfilled. A lot of people thought it was tragic, I thought it was a wonderful way to go.  The flight attendants and the airline were very gracious, they are trained, and many have dealt with this before.  

It is going to be a busy couple of months, that will fly by, and before we know it the end of the year holidays will be upon us.  

Have you started your christmas shopping yet?   



  1. hohoho screw christmas I am already planning Halloween

    1. Been wearing a mask for months in practice

  2. Ah I think Christmas will look much different this year. Might not even be a Mummers Parade for New Years. Now that would be history.

    1. I meant to say was cancelled. The first organized parade was in 1901. Ill miss the festivites. But thankfully i have a recording of Dem Golden Slippers!!!

    2. The Mummers parade is very much a Philly thing,

  3. I wonder what Christmas will look like this year.

    1. We are usually home, and quiet, we can do that. I should get my fruitcakes made.

  4. Anonymous9/15/2020

    What will Christmas be like this year? I don't think of Christmas until December.
    The older partner of an acquaintance silently died next to him one night while they were on a sea cruise. The Asian guy was left very rich but it was so sad at the time.

    1. I'd sooner have J, than the money.


    since I don't do xmas, no shopping needed. it's only RTG and the cats that get something.

    1. Glad I am not the only one who loves fruitcake.

  6. That is a touching story. I agree, what peaceful way to go. No, shopping has not started yet.

    1. It was 55 degrees this morning, makes it easier to think about fall

  7. I have a couple of small Xmas gifts tucked away already, but I need to start serious online shopping soon to get some more.

  8. I don't celebrate but I do love fruitcake. Is there something wrong with those who do? I think not! My father was a mailman and the people on his route adored him (everybody did) so we ended up with a lot of gifted fruitcakes and liquor.

    1. I had an English grandmother (born near Greenwich) so fruitcake was a family tradition. Your father must have influenced your personality and love-ableness

  9. I have not started my Christmas shopping, but I have started the planning. I know what I want to get my partner. For once, I have an idea of what to get him. And I believe it will make his eyes light up like a happy kid on Christmas day!
