Saturday, February 25, 2017

Not Bad for Mid February

I lived in Florida for about 20 years, and every January and February I question the sanity of having moved back north.  Politely put, I HATE cold weather.  Not that it can't get cold in Florida in the dead of winter - I have seen mid 20's (F) in Central Florida, days when it didn't get much above 40 degrees (F.) 

Last week the weather in Florida was wonderful.  Highs in the mid 80's a couple of days.  Bright and sunny.  A little windy - but overall very-very nice.  Not bad for mid-February.  

Do you prefer warm weather or cold weather? 


  1. warm; ideal for me is 72F with 10% humidity, full sun.

  2. I can't tolerate cold weather anymore. Give me the Mediterranean climate (or event the dessert) and I'm much happier.

  3. In the winter I prefer warm weather in places that are supposed to be warm like my beloved San Diego or Ft Lauderdale. In the summer I definitely prefer my warm, not hot, San Diego weather once again.

  4. To be fair, I like the change in the seasons and the beauty each one brings. But If I had to pick one, I love it hotter the better.

  5. Warm to cool..........DONT MIND COLD AS LONG as it is dry

  6. I live in Phoenix. Opinions about the heat are like the air: no sense complaining when there is nothing else to breathe. I'm in Palm Springs and it is down into the 50s; I am all for warmer weather, indeed.

  7. I like the change in seasons, but I live in the South where the winters are mild and summers like a rainforest. Low humidity is preferable. Snow for more than a day is too much. I don't even own a winter coat.

  8. Anonymous2/27/2017

    I live in London. Are you insane! Hot. Stayed at Ducks Cay in Florida a few years ago. I didn't want to EVER leave.
