Friday, October 04, 2019

Random Ramblings

IT updated the operating system on my office computer this week from Windows 7 to 10.  The predictable carnage kept me from working for most of a day. At one point we were having an "authentication issue," parts of the network were using one password, parts of it looking for a different password, one hadn't talked to the other one yet, and they were all confused.  I could log onto the network, but I couldn't get into my email - the primary reason I need to be on the network to start with.  

In the middle of this, the IT guy said, "oh your smartphone is trying to log in, and it is confusing the servers, take your office email off of your phone, we will put it back on after all of this is working." Hmm, I am almost 48 hours without my office email on my smartphone, how long should I wait to make sure everything is working before I have my office mail put back on my phone?  I'd say at least a month, but my calendar went away with the email.  Still I had a nice excuse not to attend to office email before going to bed last night.  

I have booked an early spring adventure.  At this point it is just airline tickets, to and from Dublin.  I will fill the rest in over the next few weeks.  We will make a side trip to Wales and London for a couple of days to see John, Duncan and Stephen.  Of course the morning after I booked the non-refundable tickets, someone asked me about a board meeting they had just scheduled for the week I am going to be gone.  I don't know why they can't schedule that meeting 9 months in advance, they have known since June, where it was to be, and roughly when, but nothing firm.  We went through the same thing last year, with it being January before I knew when the meeting would be in March. Last year I kept pushing my plans around and not booking, in the end last year, I didn't take the trip we had wanted to take, by the time I had a date for the board meeting it was too late to book the vacation.  This year I made plans, and I am going, I will miss the meeting this year.  

A dear friend had an MRI for a very large ovarian cyst, she gets the results this week, she is upbeat, but worried.  I hope it goes well for her.  She said, "at least they didn't say bring a family member or friend with you" when she goes in for the results.   


  1. Oh what a quagmire!!!! Technology. Works fine when it works.

    Travel.....oh I am ready to go again.

    1. starting to decide what we want to see,

  2. Anonymous10/04/2019

    Isn't tech just wonderful. You have plenty of time for excitement to build towards the holiday.

    1. I have a whole weekend without office email on my phone, it will be like a holiday,

  3. Good luck to your friend with the cyst. May she receive good news.

    1. Thank you, I had a text last evening, it appears to be isolated to the ovary, one more test to confirm that. If that holds true, it is outpatient surgery and a fairly easy recovery. She is in her early 40's and was scared.

  4. Cursed IT! I would love to go to Dublin. Beautiful from the sky. Great airport. One of these days!

    1. You are closer than we are.

    2. I know. With direct flights! Shameful... but always something else we need to do.

  5. are you going to see squire john gray whilst in wales? (jealous)

    sounds like a fun trip; you don't need meetings or e-mails.

    best wishes to your friend! BTDT, know the scared feelings.
