Friday, October 25, 2019

People Watching

We get so busy, so scheduled, so many things we have to do, or want to do, it is easy to rush through and forget to take time to stop and look at the world around us.  A couple of weeks ago, we drove into Washington DC on a Sunday morning (street parking is free in many areas on Sunday, and on a Sunday morning you might actually find a space near where you want to be.) We wandered an art museum, then stopped for a coffee.  While Jay waited for the barista, I sat and marveled at the sights around me.  People watching.  


  1. Oh, so that’s what's meant by people watching. I don’t always look in the right places. (OK, but I never miss the right places, as well.)

  2. It's great fun to people watch and just observe.

  3. Tiny tushies titillate!

  4. I like people watching too whenever I have time to sit down and enjoy a nice coffee in a public place.

  5. Anonymous10/25/2019

    Some call it people watching. I call it male potential observation and speculation.

  6. You are what we call in psychology a Wicked Old Screw.
