Saturday, January 17, 2015

Soundtrack Of My Brain

If you met me in the last 10 years, you probably wouldn't know, that I was a dedicated gym bunny for 10 years, from the mid-80's through the mid 90's.  I ran 750-1,000 miles a year, rode a bike 4-5,000 miles a year and swam 100+ miles a year - my knees remind me of this everyday.  I was in the gym 5-6 mornings a week for 15 years. This was also the era of music based aerobic classes.  My favorite aerobics instructor had wonderful taste in rhythmic music, he would go to New York a couple of times a year in search of hard to find disco mixes.  This is one that stuck in my brain; it still makes me want to stand up and move.  


  1. Any song that mentions Yul Brynner can't be all bad. lolz

  2. "one night in bangkok makes a hard man humble"


  3. I can sure see how that would get you moving!

    Peace <3

  4. I loved Chess.
    Say, why not revive it and your athletics? Still got the 80s style gym clothes?
