Saturday, August 17, 2019

How I Feel When Reading Facebook

I am about to give up on FB, but the psychological manipulation keeps me coming back.  

Another old friend posted a comment recently, I easily dismantled her ill-logic in a reply, she simply deleted the comment. I hate doing that to an old friend, but there is only so much willful ignorance that I can tolerate.  Her issue is not a lack of ability, but a lack of bothering to look at facts, to think outside of the narrow views that people tell her.  She can do better, she generally chooses not to do better as doing so would undermine a belief system she finds security in.  

Should I fight back against willful ignorance or give up? 


  1. By all means fight if you enjoy beating your head into a bloody pulp against an unmovable brick wall. The key word is willful. This is on purpose. Waste of breath and time.

    1. When I pound my head against the wall in my office, it annoys the Lori next door, hmm, maybe that is worth it?

  2. nope, you won't change her ignorance; dump supporters prefer to remain so. give up and choose only intelligent people as friends! I DID!

  3. I agree with Deedles and Anne Marie, as usual. Perhaps you could just comment using that mug photo. I’ve continue to unfriendly people like that on Facebook. Don’t know if it’s the right thing to do, either, but I get tired of wasting my breath and of reading their ugly, Ignorant statements.

    1. I dumped a high school classmate without comment one day this past week, he is beyond help.

  4. Fighting unwillful ignorance for some 30 years was hard enough. I wouldn't think of taking on the willful variety.

    1. You have met select members of my family

  5. Remember that old story about King Canute trying to hold back the ocean's waves with a broom? Same thing.

  6. Don't touch the tar babies.
