Sunday, July 27, 2008

Play it again Johnny

The sidewalks play music in Nashville, now I have heard musical rocks at Disney World, but Johnny Cash songs coming out of a street light control box was a bit of a surprise. The Renaissance Hotel is connected to the convention center, and the hotel is connected to a parking garage by an elevated walkway across what someone thought would be a busy street. Rather then build the typical covered overhead walkway; they built a “Skybridge.” It is huge; glass enclosed and contains a deli and a bar. Here I am on the top of the grand piano in the Skybridge waiting to be discovered by a big time producer.



  1. But can you dance?

  2. Anonymous7/29/2008

    I'm thinking a wee bit of soft shoe, I mean flipper, would be in order.

  3. Whip out some Dean Martin and have a glass of nice Whiskey.
