Sunday, March 23, 2025

The Sunday Five: Work

 1: How many different professions or kinds of work have you done in your lifetime? 

2: What work have you done that would be most surprising for others to hear about? 

3: Did you ever find your "dream job?" 

4: Have you ever been "self employed" or owned a small business? 

5: How many employers or jobs have you had in your lifetime? 

My answers: 

1: How many different professions or kinds of work have you done in your lifetime? Bee keeper, photographer, real estate broker, homebuilder, retail sales, credit analyst, lawyer = 7

2: What work have you done that would be most surprising for others to hear about? I sold ladies shoes in a department store while waiting to start law school. 

3: Did you ever find your "dream job?"  Yes, the last one. 

4: Have you ever been "self employed" or owned a small business? A couple of times, as a photographer, a couple of the builder jobs, and my current little consulting practice. 

5: How many employers or jobs have you had in your lifetime? About 12, one of them twice. 

Please share your answers in the comments. 


  1. How many different professions or kinds of work have you done in your lifetime? 2, one that I will admit too! LOL!

    What work have you done that would be most surprising for others to hear about? I would guess doing drag shows. Most get caught off guard when they hear I did that.

    Did you ever find your "dream job?" Yes...Visual arts and doing drag.

    Have you ever been "self employed" or owned a small business? Still do to a point with my free-lance interior design. It's either quite or when it rains, it pours. Those free-lance projects got me through the pandemic to help supplement income

    5: How many employers or jobs have you had in your lifetime? 6

    1. these are both visual art in a way, "Visual arts and doing drag"

  2. 1: How many different professions or kinds of work have you done in your lifetime? 6, although the last three begin to blur together (experience in one field lead to the next); Assembly line, Lab Technician, Drafter, Architect, Airport Planner, Capital Project Contract Administration

    2: What work have you done that would be most surprising for others to hear about? At one point in the distant past I was able to operate a Transmission Electron Microscope. This is less surprising to anyone who knows my tendency to nerdiness.

    3: Did you ever find your "dream job?" The later professional arc lead to being a part of large capital Project Delivery. This meant coordinating work of a team. I can point to particular projects or a brief period of time in a particular office that brought together exceptional groups of people who were able to accomplish great things. However I think that the "dream" was having the right group of people together at the precise place and time with strong commitments to the project. If you didn't have the right people or the commitment to the project, it could be miserable.

    4: Have you ever been "self employed" or owned a small business? Briefly worked on a consulting basis for a former employer who needed staff but couldn't afford to hire someone and pay benefits. I had a friend ask whether or not I'd ever thought about becoming a sole practitioner or starting my own firm. I know myself well enough to know that the notion of hustling the next job and ensuring that everyone had billable work would have eaten me alive.

    5: How many employers or jobs have you had in your lifetime? About nine - eleven if you count transfers between state and local government agencies.

    Will Jay

    1. Fascinating. I miss walking construction sites.

  3. 1. Three. There were a number of roles with my long time employer.
    2. I am a motor mechanic. A motor mechanic trained in the 1970s is quite irrelevant in 2025.
    3. Certainly not.
    4. No, but my partner did for a few years. I helped, a lot.
    5. Five employers, two of them very briefly. like a week or two each.

    1. Engines have changed a lot in the last 30 years.

  4. 1: How many different professions or kinds of work have you done in your lifetime? I don’t feel like trying to figure that out today!
    2: What work have you done that would be most surprising for others to hear about? Stocking shelves at Costco?
    3: Did you ever find your "dream job?" Some might have been better than others, but no.
    4: Have you ever been "self employed" or owned a small business? Yes
    5: How many employers or jobs have you had in your lifetime? I just tried counting on my fingers, reached 27, and gave up.

    1. There is some interesting history in this.

  5. 1. In my adult life - 2. In my entire work life - 8
    2. Babysitting.
    3. No. But honestly, my dream job would have been below the poverty line probably.
    4. No.
    5. 12 maybe?

    1. At one time I thought about going back to affordable housing after retirement, there is no money in it, but it is gratifying work.

  6. 1: How many different professions or kinds of work have you done in your lifetime? Post office, server, bartender, manager, bar/cafe owner, art gallery, art teacher, and local fine arts center. Some I worked more than once, and all have interconnecting talents.

    2: What work have you done that would be most surprising for others to hear about? l did work one summer at the Emigrant Gap Post Office; my parents owned the general store attached to the PO and I worked the counter ... the slooooooow counter..

    3: Did you ever find your "dream job?" All of them fulfilled some kind of dream.

    4: Have you ever been "self employed" or owned a small business? I have not, though I have done art work for people on the side, and painted several murals in shops and offices in my younger days.

    5: How many employers or jobs have you had in your lifetime? More than ten, I think.

    1. An interesting journey in life.

  7. 1. What kinds of work -- dental assistant, data entry/typing based work, lawyer
    2. Most surprising work -- probably the dental assistant gig
    3. Dream job? -- Eventually I did find the perfect niche for me in the legal profession. I don't know that I would call it my "dream job" but it met my basic criteria for a good job that suited me.
    4. Self-employed/business? No.
    5. How many employers/jobs in lifetime? Eleven in 45 years in the workforce.

    1. Dental assistant, is a surprise.

  8. 1: How many different professions or kinds of work have you done in your lifetime? Only two
    2: What work have you done that would be most surprising for others to hear about? I can't think of anything that would be surprising.
    3: Did you ever find your "dream job?" No, but I'm pretty happy with what I've done.
    4: Have you ever been "self employed" or owned a small business? Yes, for a short period I consulted on my own.
    5: How many employers or jobs have you had in your lifetime? Four or Five jobs but many more employers because of mergers.

    1. I went through one sale of an employer, it didn't end well.

  9. 1. Babysitter, Switchboard operator, Assembly line worker, Cashier, Teacher, Secretary, Bookkeeper, Library assistant, Administrative assistant.
    2. I soldered circuit boards for transistor radios.
    3. I loved working in the Library.
    4. No.
    5. Maybe 12 or 13? It's hard to keep track of them all...

    1. Made me think of my first pocket transistor radio.

  10. 1: How many different professions or kinds of work have you done in your lifetime? Leaving aside my student days, essentially just one job - teacher.
    2: What work have you done that would be most surprising for others to hear about? During my student days - night watchman at a caravan factory (American: trailers).
    3: Did you ever find your "dream job?" No.
    4: Have you ever been "self employed" or owned a small business? No
    5: How many employers or jobs have you had in your lifetime? Five different jobs within the teaching profession. Three different employers.

    1. A single career is becoming rarer.

  11. what fun!

    1: How many different professions or kinds of work have you done in your lifetime? other than a short time busboy stint I have had no job but my current type.
    2: What work have you done that would be most surprising for others to hear about? Volunteering to stuff envelopes and such at a clinic rather than being a physician.
    3: Did you ever find your "dream job?" yes, I am doing it still.

    4: Have you ever been "self employed" or owned a small business? Once upon a time I had a small private practice. It was a nice thing.

    5: How many employers or jobs have you had in your lifetime? Good question! if you mean professional, that would be one in IL, two in MI, and one in AZ still happening.

    1. When you find something you love doing, you can keep doing it.
