Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Copper Fox
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Bear Video
A night above the clouds
Friday, July 25, 2014
What is your favorite bird
Keeping backyard chickens is becoming quite fashionable in the USA. I would have a hard time keeping them in my backyard, 120 Sq ft of glass enclosed concrete on the third floor. They do seem kind of simple minded, maybe we should elect a few to Congress.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Monday, July 21, 2014
Happy Thanksgiving
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Fluffy sheep are a recurring theme in my life. We fell in love with the sight of a meadow full of sheep on a week in Yorkshire 7 years ago. They appear so content and reassuring, and properly cooked taste wonderful. The US does not have enough sheep. We should start a campaign to expand sheep farming in the country. I bet someone in DC would give me a grant for that.
Friday, July 18, 2014
Strawberry pie
I still have a pastry phobia. I am trying to overcome it by exposure. In other words to get over it by making pastry until I feel comfortable. Hubby went shopping yesterday and brought home a huge box of tasty strawberries. So I made a strawberry pie. A basic butter pastry, one quarter pound of butter, tablespoon of sugar, pinch of salt, 1.25 cups of flour. Buzz it in the food processor. Add a couple of tablespoons of cold water and roll it out. Bake at 375 for 20 minutes. For the glaze, clean and chop about a cup of strawberries, add half a cup of sugar, half a cup of rum, and a couple of tablespoons of corn starch. Cook over medium heat. Clean and half another 2 cups of strawberries and toss with powdered sugar. Chill the glaze and the pie shell. Mix the fresh strawberries in the glaze and fill the pie shell.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
10 ways to reduce stress
- Keep it all in perspective, if nothing ate you today, you had a good day
- Laugh, there is humor in almost everything
- Use your vacation days, no one has ever sat on their deathbed and said, "I wish I had worked more."
- Get off the expressway, drive the back roads
- Do the important things first, put the rest in perspective
- Decide what you will never do, and cross it off the list
- Do your best and forget about trying to please others
- Don't worry about what other's think of you, most of the time they don't think about you
- Tell the truth, it is easier then keeping track of the lies
- Love yourself
Monday, July 14, 2014
If You've Seen One Fall
Sunday, July 13, 2014
A little place in the mountains
We came to North Carolina to see a vacation house in the mountains. What do you think? A little large I fear. Anderson was not home.
This is Biltmore, the Vanderbilt estate in Asheville. It was built in the late 1800's. Very much an American Dowton Abbey. It is owned by Anderson Cooper ' s mothers family.
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Local Brew
I am in Asheville North Carolina to look at a house. It took three hours to drive the first 100 miles out of DC this morning. The dinner beverage was made here in town. Very good. I really needed that after 9.5 hours behind the wheel.
Friday, July 11, 2014
March to the beat of your drummer
I would love to be a musician, but I can't read music. I tried to learn for a couple of years. I played the tuba in middle school. But musical notes all look the same. One step up or down the funny lines, they all look the same to my brain. But they don't all sound the same. I had to mark up the score, or I was hopeless. Teaching music to the musically handicapped was how the band master described it. I don't known who was more relieved, him or I when I called it quits.
I do enjoy music, but perhaps to the beat of my personal drummer.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Le Tour

I love riding bikes, and have developed a real love of watching professional cycle racing. The Tour de France is the highlight of my summer, with most of the worlds best riders, spectacular scenery, and exciting competition. Someday I will stand on the side of a French road and watch 200 of the best of the best roll by. Yesterday's route was an unusual challenge with several segments on cobblestone roads. The Tour rides on cobblestones every year, the finish in Paris is on a cobbled street. The weather yesterday was rainy and miserable, even worse than my ride home from the office yesterday. There were a lot of falls. Chris Froome, defending champion, (last year's winner) abandoned the race after numerous falls over two days. The post race interviews were punctuated with complaints about the cobblestone sections and calls to the organizers to not repeat the cobblestone sections - citing that Froome had been injured and had to withdraw. They all seemed to miss one very important point, his falls and injuries happened on paved roads, not on the cobbles. Many-many riders fell while racing on very wet and slippery streets. Streets that were very difficult to ride on. A few falls occurred on the cobbles, as always happens, but for the most part the riders were cautious on the cobbles. What would have made yesterday safer, would not have been to bypass the challenge of the cobbles, but for the riders to agree to ride but not race in the very wet - very dangerous conditions. Tradition is that the race goes on in all weather, they have ridden up mountains in the snow. But nothing stops the riders from all agreeing that they will not challenge one another today. It happens, usually the day after a serious or fatal accident (yes people die in this race.) Why didn't the riders agree yesterday that it was too wet and dangerous to race, and agree to ride the course with caution and dignity leaving the racing for another day, on safer roads, with more riders healthy and able to participate. I wish Froome a fast and complete recovery, but the cobbles were not the cause of his withdrawal from the race.