Monday, August 25, 2014

Calling all muses

My muses seem to be out on a late summer vacation.  I don't have much to say and what I do have to say is frequently grumpy.  Late August has always been a strange time of the year for me.  It was end of the summer harvest season when I was growing up,   lots of work and lots of stress.  My father didn't deal well with stress.  My birthday is this week, and that has a history of stress for me.  There are unresolved issues from 45 years ago.  Hard to let go of some things.  I have to remember that forgiveness is something you do for you,  not the other person.  I miss going back to school. 

I had scheduled a meeting this morning to discuss a project.  Everyone and their pet duck showed up. Maybe they were prepared for me to be a bitch. I wasn't.  It was a walk in the park. 


  1. well, happy birthday, lil penguin!

    you share your week with 2 of my boyfriends: jim of "jim's stuff" and sean of "jeep guy". great company!

    and mine is next week.

    could you be grumpy cause hubby went back to school? {{{{{hugs}}}}}!

  2. Aw, Happy Birthday Travel Penguin!!!
    Don't stress out over another candle on your cake. Have another drink and congratulate yourself on making another trip around the sun!

  3. Anonymous8/25/2014

    Happy birthday, good sir!!!

    I'll bet husband being 400+ miles away counts towards the grumpiness!

    Glad your meeting went well, most of our are where minutes are kept and hours are lost. Many, many hours.

    I hope your muses show up soon!

    Peace <3

  4. many happy returns! May the next year be your best one yet!
