Sunday, October 14, 2007

Much Better View

In light of my complaint about the view from the last hotel room in DC, I thought I would post about the view from the latest hotel room in DC. The picture really does not do the view justice. The pentagon is just across the expressway to the left. You can see the Kennedy Center, Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, Jefferson Memorial, old post office, Capital, and the National Cathedral. A million dollar view and for about 60% of the cost of the view of the brick wall. DG came down with a very bad head cold as we were headed out on this trip and has been ordered to rest. TR


  1. And what a nice little bird in the view. Overlooking the next conquest?

  2. 60% of the cost speaks loudly to this frugal girls heart.

  3. Anonymous10/15/2007

    Take two double IPA's and don't call me in the morning, I'll still be sleeping...


  4. Make that three double IPA's and you won't be able to call anyone in the morning.

  5. I had a view of the pool at the hotel in Quebec, however it was closed for the season, just my luck.
