Sunday, January 26, 2014
Questioning My Sanity
Friday, January 24, 2014
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
The Journey and the Destination
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Having Fun
A Couple of Days in Alternate Reality Land
Friday, January 17, 2014
Taking Control of My Life
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Great Adventures in Travel
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Out early in the fog
I was off to the airport before dawn today. Very foggy on top of the hill.
I love TSA pre - check. One of the airlines enrolled me. Not sure which one, but THANK YOU. I can leave my shoes on, wear a light jacket, leave my computer in my bag. At most airports I pass through a metal detector, hence I need to empty my pockets into my bag. It is so much easier. Most of the part the participants are frequent flyers, who know what to do. So much better.
Now the flight is delayed two hours.
Oh well, control the things we can.
Wednesday, January 08, 2014
How Cold Was It?
DC has it's share of cold jokes,
It was so cold that Congressmen had their hands in their own pockets.
It was so cold that government bureaucrats stopped moving - but no one noticed the difference.
It was so cold that we had to print more money to burn (about half of the currency used in the US is printed in DC.)
Home on the hill?
I live in a condo in the high rise towers on the top of that hill. If my neighbors would cut down all of the trees I would have a great view of Old Town Alexandria, the Patent and Trademark offices and the George Washington Masonic Memorial. About 1/3 of the time I ride a bike to and from the office. Every afternoon, I HATE the hill I live on, when I have to climb it on the bike. The rise is about 100 feet in about 500 feet. Nasty-nasty climb. I will conquer that hill.
Tuesday, January 07, 2014
Fresh Look
It was very-very cold here this morning, 4 degrees Fahrenheit with a nice wind.
I will explain the house on the hill sometime soon. I put the picture up from my phone on the train headed into the city and didn't get a chance to explain.
Sunday, January 05, 2014
I Use To Work With

Friday, January 03, 2014
Good morning
15 degrees Fahrenheit and very slippery this morning. Headed to the office. The condo has private road through an undeveloped parcel to the subway station about half a mile away. This walk is part of my daily commute in the city. There were fresh fox footprints in the snow this morning.
Thursday, January 02, 2014
Back to the office
I enjoy work. I get bored after a couple of days around the house. I enjoy vacation and traveling, but being home gets to me in a hurry. I prefer to be working. This is a major consideration as I get closer to "retirement" age, I can't see myself in my parents vision of retirement. They retired early and have been bored for most of the past 30 years. Not my idea of fun.
Take care, stay busy and have fun!
Wednesday, January 01, 2014
So what does 2014 hold?
Some travel, though likely not as much as some past years. I have a conference in Jacksonville, FL in January, followed by a couple of days with my aging parents in central Florida. My sister is talking about getting married in early February in Florida. So I may be home for a week and go back to Florida again. In February I will likely drive to Lexington, KY for a long weekend (assuming there is not a snow storm between here and there.) If I can get an invitation, I may attend the bloggerpalozza in Delaware in March. I have a conference in early May in Portland, OR. Oregon is one of 5 states I have not been to. I may go a a conference in Scottsdale later in May. We are planning a long weekend in Chicago for Memorial Day weekend. I will need to make another trip or two to Florida over the course of the year.
My parents are 86 years old, and in failing health. I am thinking about a trip to see them in late summer and maybe late October. I would like to go to Lexington for Thanksgiving with Jay this year. I have to be prepared for unplanned trips to Florida if an emergency comes up.
We don't have plans for a major vacation the year, though we are due for one. Last year's discretionary budget was consumed with a new heating and air-conditioning system for the condo. Other than a few hundred dollars in plumbing replacements- there are no major home improvement projects this year.
I don't talk about my work on social media. This spring the project I am on is up for renewal for a new three year cycle. It appears likely that the project will be funded. But rising costs and reduced funding are making it hard to balance the budget (hence less work travel this year than in the past.) It will be nice to have a three year commitment to the future of the project, even if I have to sell part of my time to another project to balance the budget. Last year the office moved, this year may see some changes in organization and leadership (my bosses -boss is moving to a new job in mid January.)
J, also known as my other half, Someone, partner, or sweet-bear, is still teaching in Lexington, KY. He is here about 20 weeks out of the year, I am there a couple of weeks per year. At this point we don't see this changing any time soon. We are plotting a sabbatical in a couple of years, and his early retirement in a few years. People ask about marriage, both homes are in anti-marriage states, at this point marriage would overly complicate our legal lives. I have thought about moving across the river to Maryland if Virginia does not get it's act together soon. We have been together 21 years, it would be hard to be more committed to each other, but the legal protections of recognition of our relationship are real and something we should be able to take advantage of sooner or later.
New year's resolutions?
- be more aware of what I eat
- ride the bike more, move more
- read more (turn off the TV)
- write for 30 minutes per day