Friday, March 06, 2009

It is not the birds

You can hear this place from half a block away and it is not the bird. No self respecting penguin would be caught dead in the place, it is so noisy. The crowd of human hatchlings is incredible and they are capable of the most incredible high pitched sounds . . . it hurts my ears . . . maybe then I could find my ears.



  1. Ah yes! The perennial penguin ear issue... You are, as always, most wise in avoiding the place. Sometimes I wish those little creatures would just stay in their eggs when they go out in public.

  2. We have one of those up here too and my kids used to love going. :) Hurt my human ears too.

  3. I do believe that we have been there 3 years ago......don't know for sure since my head still hurts.

  4. Anonymous3/09/2009

    At least they have a cool fishtank. Appetizers...
