Thursday, November 29, 2007

Tower Bridge

Kell sent out one of those proverbial 10 things you never knew about me email forward and reply things. There was a question about where have you been and where would you like to be. Tower Bridge in London would be fun.


  1. what is it with bridges -

    me - I'd like to be on the pnte vecchio, of course crossing from my stylish abode on the altro arno

  2. Anonymous11/30/2007

    I'm torn between going to Mrs. Squirrel's family castle in Scotland or visiting my square foot plot of land I "own" at the Laphroaig distillary on Isaly in, oh wait, Scotland...

  3. Anonymous11/30/2007

    Bridges are a metaphor for getting from where we are to where we want to be (sorry I spent the afternoon interviewing English majors for a job at our local area agency on aging . . . long story, very long story.)


  4. Egad! DG's has been spending too much time with me, han't he!

  5. Ahh, was just talking about this with my brother 2 days ago. BabyGirl will be on the bridge in about 4 weeks.

    EEEEKKKKKK. I'm getting weepy eye'd and worried.

  6. Anonymous11/30/2007

    It is a fine stout bridge, nothing to worry about!


  7. And with most bridges, you can always go back across.

  8. Yes, I've been there too, and can testify that the bridge is very sound structurally and the road on it is 2-way. Hence there's really nothing to worry about. We've even been to the top of it and across, and inside the towers. Good, strong steel - trust me! It even supported our weight.
