Monday, June 18, 2007

Old Goats

Goats, who would have ever looked at a goat and said, "there is a fine dairy animal." It must take a herd of hundreds of goats to produce enough milk to make a tiny quantity of stinky cheese. I think the first farmer to think of goats as a good farm animal must have been producing the illegal kind of hay. Now if only he had fed that hay to the goats, the milk might be popular and sold for even more than the stinky little cheeses. Somehow I doubt that I have a real future as an agricultural futureist.



  1. I just love Goat cheese. It goes well over a sald with Cranberries.

    Then again it's always fun to "Goat" someones lawn...When they are gone for a week or so, you go stake a goat to the front lawn and let them eat everything within a 2o foot radis.....

    Ok, maybe not as fun as I remember.

  2. Nope, I check this week and it's as much fun as I remember.

  3. you said you cut the lawn to 3" and grasscycled! darn it!

  4. I'm so confused?? Did I say something wrong or witty, one may never know?

  5. Maybe "interessante gostei desse post" means "that interesting goat post." (Hey... it could happen!)

  6. I’ve finished! I’m back in the Blog world (at least until September and my first job….)
