All I wanted was a nice cold glass of water,
DG was waiting for a diet coke. Why do they make me wait for the kitchen to squirt his glass full of sweet and sticky, when all I want is ice and water. Simple
enough, it reminds me of home. So we sat there and waited watching this nice young couple with 2.6 children at the table across from us. Mom was
flustered with the kids, Dad was checking his office email on his Blackberry. The youngest .6 was desperate for
attention. When crawling under the table and climbing up on Dad's lap didn't work, he sat in his chair and put his feet up on the table with one foot landing squarely in the middle of his father's salad. Dad simply pushed the child and salad away and returned to his email. Why did Dad even bother to come and wait for his ice water, he could have ignored his children back in the office and gotten his ice water faster.
Internet Explorer 7 has taken up a nasty
habit of
disconnecting me from my
ISP connection when I am working on blogger,
Firefox works much-much better.