Monday, July 24, 2006

Independence Hall

Independence is a wonderful thing to celebrate. DG is celebrating finally paying off his student loans! Free at last! Free at last!



  1. Oh, to go to the wonderfull places that you go. I could just see you standing there during times of unrest....

  2. taking a moment to stop bitching about my parents as they paid my way through college -

    and a hearty "thank you" to WC who refinanced his house to pay off my graduate degree ;)

    all this AND domestic bliss

  3. Anonymous7/25/2006

    Oh! How lovely to see TR and DG celebrating like this! I will soon be joingin the party as my doctor is putting me back on my old antidepresaant today! The new one didn't work for beans, and bothered hamsters are NOT pretty sights, let me tell you! Happily, all the little critters I share my life with have been most supportive.

    And speaking of supportive... Praise, honor, and a crown of everlasting glory to WC for financing grad school! We're proud of you, noble rodent!

  4. I look back and think, why would DW not marry me, I was house broken, had all of my shot, and could cook. What more could she want? Then came the bill for school.

  5. Anonymous8/01/2006

    That was years ago! You poor little pingu.

  6. Of course my debts are only just beginning.... :-)
