Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Where is Travel Today

If all has gone to plan, we fly from Paris, to London, to Washington DC today.  Regular blog service will resume next week, or maybe sooner depending on jet lag after a month away.  

The photo above?  That is a Presidential White Top, turning east, just to the south of the building we live in.  


I look forward to sharing this latest adventure with you all.  

This has been an amazing adventure. Over a month, in confined spaces and we still love one another.  Days at sea, different countries, languages, and cultures.  At one point or another both of us have been unwell, I had a cough that could wake the dead.  These things happen in life, not because we are traveling, but because we are alive. The only thing I grew tired of, was driving in France.  A few factors, I drove more in 11 days, than I normally drive in 6 months, and it was all on unfamiliar roads, with roundabouts, and with a manual transmission.  Next time we need to plan non-driving days.  

THANK YOU for being patient and tolerant of my advance posts and on the fly editing. Hopefully there will be a couple more extended adventures in the next couple of years, there are a couple of bucket list items to partake in that will require some time away from the keyboard.  


  1. I'd be very nervous about driving in France but at least you are on the wrong side of the road, as you are used to. Safe journey home.

    1. 750 miles, without a scratch on the car, and I didn't cause an accident

  2. What an adventure. I look forward to reading more.

  3. I would have been a nervous wreck driving in France on unfamiliar roads with roundabouts. Kudos to you!

    1. It had been nine years since I had driven a manual transmission

  4. I am so pleased that you have had a great holiday with no major mishaps - not even the cruise ship sinking!

  5. This will go down in your travel logs for sure as a grand adventure. Safe travels home.

    1. We made it home, just before 11 PM, about 5 AM in Paris where this day started.

  6. No need to apologize for your advance posts. It is my goal to be as organized and as prepared as you are with your blog. Can't wait to hear about your adventures! Safe travels home.

    1. I have some draft posts that I didn't use.

  7. You are probably in the air somewhere as I write this. Safe travels! Can't wait to hear the travel stories.

    1. I made it home a few minutes ago.

  8. Wow! You certainly know how to celebrate retirement!!

    1. And it is so nice to return home and not have work hanging over me.

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks, we made it through two of biggest airports.

  10. Relax and unwind and ease back into the blogging.
    This ...
    "Over a month, in confined spaces and we still love one another. "
    ... speaks volumes!

  11. Welcome home!

