So it was been a long - somewhat rough week, at times I felt like I was been spinning my wheels and running into roadblocks. A fellow blogger, might describe it as a shit storm of a week. In the end, I got a lot done, faked being nice to an _sshole, and moved on. It is time to pause and reflect on the week, and on what I might do next week, to clean up the mess and move forward.
- What is the worst thing that happened this week in your life? Go ahead - it can be good to talk about it - get it out - verbalize it.
- A year from now will you still be bothered by the worst thing that happened last week?
- What was the last thing you laughed about?
- Which felt better laughing or being pissed of?
- What will you do next week to laugh more and fuss less?
My Answers:
- I finished a significant project that I had been working on for a month, only to be told, we don't want or need it.
- Will I be bothered, I might not even remember it. Actually I will change a procedure so this never happens again - for if it does I might not be able to control my anger.
- On my morning commute I was reading a travel essay book, I love them. The author was traveling from California to France with two Pug dogs in carry on bags. While clearing security at the airport in San Francisco a security agent grabbed the bags with the dogs and started to walk away, when asked where he was going with the dogs, he responded, "to the X-ray machine, these dogs look strange, they could be packed with explosives or something." To which the owner responded, "They are Pugs, they always look like that." I laughed so hard I cried.
- Laughing always feels better, anger, frustration, depression are such a waste of energy.
- I can control what I read and what I watch. I will find humor in the absurdities of daily life. If I find humor in the shape of the dark cloud, the rain will wash away my fussiness.