Friday, May 10, 2024

100 Ways to Slightly Improve Your Travel Experience: #5 Take and Wear the Right Shoes


I was out at Mt. Vernon the other day, and overheard a teenage boy exclaim, "EWWW I stepped in something, these shoes are ruined!"  I have a simple solution, he was wearing the wrong shoes.  He was more concerned with what his shoes looked like, than if the shoes were comfortable and practical for the trip he was taking.  

Forget about what your shoes look like when you travel, wear shoes that are very comfortable, that you can walk in comfortably, and that you are not overly concerned if they get dirty.  If you are going to be in wet places, waterproof shoes are helpful. And always take a back-up pair of shoes. About 30 years ago, Duncan traveled from London to the USA for a couple of weeks of traveling about. While he was with us, he walked into what he thought was sand, and was actually river mud. He sunk in up to his ankles, wearing a nice pair of leather shoes.  The only shoes he had with him.  

This ties in with always check a bag, then it is easier to squeeze a second pair of shoes in.  

What kind of shoes do I travel in?  Running shoes, often one pair in black with black soles that do just fine if I have something more formal, and one pair in a nice color or pattern that I like, but I am not worried about.  

From April 28th, to about May 12th , I will be on a great adventure and on a digital detox, a couple of weeks without access to the internet. I have been told internet access may be available, but it will be very slow and expensive. So, I am going to try to take a couple of weeks off. I have not been without internet access in a couple of in couple of decades, I hope it goes well.  After that, until about May 30th, I will have intermittent internet access. 

I have scheduled posts to keep you all entertained.  These are not my usual posts, that is either a good thing, or a bad thing, depending on your point of view.  As I have opportunity, I will post updates.  I look forward to reading your comments when I have the opportunity. 

Regular service will resume about the 1st of June, with tales from the adventure.    


  1. I always bring an extra pair of shoes (or two) when traveling, and one pairs is always sneakers for comfy long distance walking.


    1. I only wear comfy shows anymore

  2. Shoes can make or break a trip. If your feet hurt, that's what you think about and can't enjoy where you are.

  3. I always travel with two pairs of shoes; one good pair for walking and one pair that is slightly more dressy.

    1. Black running shoes are my dressy shoes these days

  4. Couldn't agree more!!

    1. These shoes were made for walking
