Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Sunday Five: Work in Progress.

1: What did you learn this week? 
2: Have you forgiven anyone this week? 
3: What have you seen this week that made you go "wow!" 
4: Have you tasted anything new this week?
5: Have you reached out to anyone new this week? 

My Answers:
1: What did you learn this week? That my French is terrible.
2: Have you forgiven anyone this week? Yes. 
3: What have you seen this week that made you go "wow!"  Amazing landscapes and architecture. 
4: Have you tasted anything new this week? Bull stew, who knew? 
5: Have you reached out to anyone new this week? I have had time and a WiFi connection, so there have been a few random emails. 

Please share your answers in the comments. 


  1. 1: What did you learn this week? I learned when the voice in my head says, “This is a bad idea,” it’s probably a bad idea.
    2: Have you forgiven anyone this week? No.
    3: What have you seen this week that made you go "wow!" Myself on the ground.
    4: Have you tasted anything new this week? Goat cheese and apricot ice cream.
    5: Have you reached out to anyone new this week? No.

    1. The Icecream sounds interesting.

  2. 1. I need to be more careful when I stand up and walk in a strange place.
    2. No, everyone is being very kind to the grieving widower.
    3. The people who picked me up from the ground after 'I took a fall'. See next Tuesday's post.
    4. No. He was a no show.
    5. No, but I have sought out reassurance.

    1. Oh, falling is not a good idea at our age. Take care.

  3. 1: What did you learn this week? I learnt that the price of a pint of "Heathen" bitter in our local micropub is now up to £5!
    2: Have you forgiven anyone this week? I forgave Baby Margot for scratching my lip with her little claws.
    3: What have you seen this week that made you go "wow!" Manchester United beating Manchester City in the English FA Cup Final.
    4: Have you tasted anything new this week? The chocolate cake that my daughter made for my son-in-law's 35th birthday. (But I have tasted chocolate cake before).
    5: Have you reached out to anyone new this week? I am not sure what that means but I talked with Philip - my friend Bert's son and principal carer.

    1. 5!!! those are Washington DC prices.

  4. 1. I learned I can run a marathon; and that I don't know if I want to ever again.
    2. Myself. I felt like a failure after the run, but I'm letting go of that.
    3. That Alito is completely biased and no one probably can do a thing about it
    4. I made myself a milkshake; possibly the first one in 45 years. Raspberry vanilla. It was good.
    5. Talked to a member in the old man's running group whom I've never had a conversation before.

    1. Communicating with someone new is good for both of you.

  5. 1. I learned that when I try to think of something I learned my mind goes blank.
    2. I tried to forgive the woman who almost ran me off the road, but if I ever see her again ....
    3. The Supreme Court Clowns Alito and Thomas and Roberts and Kavanaugh and Barrett.
    4. Irish Breakfast Bread at the Farmer's Market; so good we bought a loaf.
    5. Nope.

    1. I was in the Market in Nimes this morning, I could live there.

  6. 1: What did you learn this week? I learned that I need to buy a new car.
    2: Have you forgiven anyone this week? No one to forgive
    3: What have you seen this week that made you go "wow!" A lot of hibiscus blooms
    4: Have you tasted anything new this week? Hazelnut ice cream, yum
    5: Have you reached out to anyone new this week? I ran into an someone I hadn't seen in over a year and we had a great catch-up.

    1. Ouch on needing a car. Glad you made contact with an old friend.

  7. 1: What did you learn this week? some updates on liver disease
    2: Have you forgiven anyone this week? no
    3: What have you seen this week that made you go "wow!" no
    4: Have you tasted anything new this week? no
    5: Have you reached out to anyone new this week? yes

    1. I'd recommend more wow in your life.

  8. 1: What did you learn this week? That I can no longer safely drive in the dark while it is raining.
    2: Have you forgiven anyone this week? Not really. However, rarely a week go by that I don't have at least one thought about "someone that I used to know." i.e. past friends and acquaintances that have left my life completely. I never stop wondering "why?"
    3: What have you seen this week that made you go "wow!" The surprise lavender Floxglove plant that popped up in a very unexpected place in my yard for the first time. It's beautiful. Nature is amazing.
    4: Have you tasted anything new this week? Yes. I tried a new cocktail (shocked, right?)
    5: Have you reached out to anyone new this week? Does Grindr count? (I kid.) one new, unless you count a medical receptionist I don't recall talking to before.

