Monday, May 27, 2024

Moody Monday: I didn't know I couldn't live without that

 I go shopping without a clear plan of what I want or need.  Let me modify that, when I go into the grocery store I often have a vague list of things that we are out of or running out of that may even be a short written list.  But the bigger question of what am I going to buy, what am I going to make over the next few days, is open, and inspired by what I see.  I often emerge with things I had no idea I would buy.  If nice steaks are priced well, we are having steak.  If there is seafood that looks good and is not priced like gold, I may suddenly be preparing fish.  I kind of don't know what I want until I see it. The same happens at my local farmers market, what I buy and what I prepare, depends on what my favorite vendors have in this week.

When I go to Ikea, I do like Ikea, I usually have one or two items I want to pick up, and I generally leave with a cart full of things I didn't know I needed.  A few months ago we went for new rugs for my bedroom, and came home with rugs, towels, a couple of kitchen towels, cutting boards, and a picture frame. Not the craziest list of things I have found I needed while wandering through the maze at Ikea.  

When I travel, I often see things that inspire me.  I find new foods that inspire me, that now need, that I didn't know I needed until I saw them. Things that become a part of my daily comfort, that I didn't know existed until I saw them.  Travel widens our view of the world, of the possibilities, and I have been so lucky to have seen so much of the world, with more left to see.  


  1. I am on a learning curve about shopping on my own, and now taking time to peruse rather than stick to a list. You never know what you might find. There are now maps available to show Ikea shortcuts to avoid doing the whole dictated path.

    1. I know a couple of people who HATE Ikea, because of the way the stores are organized. I never know what I am going to find around the next corner. Shopping takes a little practice and a few mistakes.

  2. I do the same when I shop and travel. I love discovering things I didn’t know I couldn’t live without.

    1. I love unscheduled -unplanned time when I travel.

  3. Like you I never enter the supermarket with a list but I have a look in the fridge and cupboard before I go and I ask Shirley if there is anything in particular she wants. I tend to go an hour before closing time - it is a hangover from the COVID era.

    1. I have started grocery shopping in the middle of the day, in the middle of the week, when it is less crowded near me.

  4. I always have a list for the grocery store, but will look around and see if there's anything of interest I might want to add. The Farmer's Market is different as there are different things each week and I don't know that I want or need it until I see it.
    I don't shop, but when I see a store I might like, I will browse and then usually end up with something or two! I did dash into a shop in the Northwest corner of Washington state and found a cherry pitter that I'd been looking for, so you never know!

    1. I do more buying than browsing these days. At one time shopping was my hobby.

  5. I bring a list to the grocery store, altho, I might grab something on sale that is not on the list...
    I love to shop at resale shops and often find terrific bargains on things that I didn't know I wanted but can't pass up the price.

  6. I struggle with shopping ... well, I struggle NOT to shop! I blame the BFJ who is ALWAYS dragging me out shopping and pointing out things I must have. But I rarely plan to purchase what I do. There are just so many things that I love.

