Friday, May 24, 2024

100 Ways to Slightly Improve Your Travel Experience: #7 Always Be Flexible

I remember when I took this photo, I had flown into Boston a day early, so I would have a day to go see Harvard Square, and the first 48 hours I was there is was just above freezing and raining heavily.   At times I couldn't see these buildings for the low clouds and rain.  Not the kind of weather for exploring a city. 

I looked around, found an indoor shopping area attached to the hotel, went to lunch, did a little shopping, walked a block to a nearby historic church, and chilled.  

When we were in Iceland last year, we had reservations at a nice hotel in Vik, and we drove into a blizzard on the way there, were forced to turn around and drive back to good weather, cancel the hotel reservations, and check into a different hotel 150 miles away.  We ended up at the Blue Lagoon the next day having a delightful time. We will make it to Vik, maybe the next trip. 

J warns people to not try to control Rome, it will control you, it will turn on you, things will be closed, plans will be disrupted.  Go with the flow, walk around the block and see what wonder is around the corner.

Here in France, I had all of the hotels meticulously planned and booked. Then we drove into the shopping center and traffic jam that is Aix-en-Provence the other day.  Last night I booked a different hotel, and cancelled one, going in a different direction.  One where I can park and have less traffic to deal with.  

Don't get upset, or try to force it. Always be flexible and look for the joy around you.   


  1. Wise words but changing plans can be stressful too.

    1. I am slowly learning to go with the flow.

  2. That's good advice. Are you an Access card... "my flexible friend".

    1. Non, we are traveling with a rental car. The trains were pre-ticketed.

  3. I have now learned to book hotels on a flexible rate rather than the cheaper Advance, no change/cancellation rate... so many times plans have been curtailed.

  4. Good advice!!! There is always a plan b planned or otherwise.

  5. Good advice for life, too!

  6. You must always be flexible or else a good time will NOT be had by all!

  7. Great advice. You never know what you might find from a simple wrong turn.

    1. I missed a turn and ended up in France one time.

  8. Replies
    1. Somedays I think, I had no intention of being here, but I am so glad I came.

  9. Someone wants everything planned ahead of time; I like to wing it.

    1. I like the travel and hotels planned, then wing it.

  10. I'm so flexible about plans I don't even bother making any ...
