Friday, May 17, 2024

100 Ways to Slightly Improve Your Travel Experience: #6 Avoid the Forced March Through The Adventure.

The first time J and I went to England we looked at all of the tour books, and maps and planned out a long route that allowed us to see EVERYTHING in a week.  We sent a copy of the plan to friends who lives in north London, and Duncan responded that it sounded like the "Romans Forced March" though England. His recommendation was to at least cut it in half.  We did, we narrowed it to Bath, Salisbury and Swansea and we had a wonderful week without ever feeling rushed to see it all.  We still have not seen Cheddar Gorge (in search of the cheese mines) but we remember the places we did see.  We generally have a place to go back to see.  Avoid the feeling that "if it is Tuesday this must be Belgium. 

In planning for this May's adventure the initial list of places we "had to see" was about three times as long as the final list.  Everything we are seeing is within 90 minutes of a central point, we won't see everything, but we will have time to enjoy what we see.  Plan some unplanned time, you never know when what you really want to do, is nothing for the day.  

From April 28th, to about May 12th , I will be on a great adventure and on a digital detox, a couple of weeks without access to the internet. I have been told internet access may be available, but it will be very slow and expensive. So, I am going to try to take a couple of weeks off. I have not been without internet access in a couple of in couple of decades, I hope it goes well.  After that, until about May 30th, I will have intermittent internet access. 

I have scheduled posts to keep you all entertained.  These are not my usual posts, that is either a good thing, or a bad thing, depending on your point of view.  As I have opportunity, I will post updates.  I look forward to reading your comments when I have the opportunity. 

Regular service will resume about the 1st of June, with tales from the adventure.    


  1. I think with experience we all learn to travel less and see and experience more, which coincides with our reduced energy levels as we age.

    1. In once in a lifetime, or last in a lifetime trips, it is hard to cut anything out.

  2. Replies
    1. I need to reread this one every time I plan a trip

  3. This is good advice. When my daughter and I went on a tour to Italy, some of our favorite days were just sitting and people watching and exploring a bit on our own.

    1. We spent a week in Yorkshire, our favorite day was spent within walking distance of the house we rented.

  4. I don't mind making all sorts of plans, but I do tend to whittle it down once the journey begins. I don't want to be that guy running through the Louvre just to say I saw everything.

    1. I may hold a record for seeing the Louvre

  5. When I go to London, I never plan anymore. Yes, I have. a list of things I'd like to see but I generally see where the weather and my aging body takes me. I like it that way.

  6. Replies
    1. Not many people do travel a lot.

  7. When we went to Europe and found a place we liked a lot, we frequently stayed an extra day or two and just relaxed. Of course, we've never been back and we missed a lot but we still have our memories of the places we saw.

    1. I plan out where we are staying before we leave home, but I try to allow a lot of time, any place we are. No one night stands.

  8. I think you owe me royalties on the title

  9. We prfer to be unscheduled as possible on trips, with maybe a few "must sees" or "must dos" but more spontaneity than not.

