Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Be Creative

I leave some weird comments on blogs, often my comment is a short response to what I have seen or read.  Sometimes the comments are just a phrase, or a fragment of a sentence.  I often leave off punctuation. 

Being able to summarize what you have read is a skill that can be learned and practiced.  Reading and commenting on blogs is a great way to practice this.  

Sometimes my comments explain, or elaborate on something that is mentioned in the blog. I try to be helpful, and avoid being critical.  We perceive or understand the world in different ways. Our culture and life experience shape our perception of the world. That does not make one right and on wrong, each is correct in their own way. 

I love comments on my blog.  Every once in a while I get a comment from someone that I almost never hear from.  I average 6 or 7 comments a day, with 300-500 page views. Likely most who visit never comment.  And that is fine.  But I do love those random comments.   

I am on a digital detox, please comment, but I won't read of comment on your comments, until after May 12th.  


  1. I always read - daily - but hardly ever comment. Commenting requires signing in with Google, and I think Google has too much of my information already. But love the blog.

  2. I hope your ship "Spirit of McDonalds" does not go down in the middle of the Atlantic. It's a long way to paddle to The Canaries. Do you think you'll get a full refund?

  3. You'll be busy on the 12th. After the death of my partner, I was astonished at how many Google users who I did not know and completely Anon offered comforting words.

  4. You know me, I always have something to say. As for people not commenting, I'm glad they stopped by to read the post; that speaks volumes to me.

    Hope the detox is going well and the adventure is fabulous!

  5. I have only recently discovered your blog so have not commented before now. I am looking forward to keeping up with your posts now.

  6. I almost always comment on any blog post I read. If someone's gone to the time and trouble to write a post, the least I can do is comment.

  7. I try to comment every time but sometimes if I'm at a loss for words, I don't. :)

  8. never trust trout. There that's random and creative.
