Sunday, July 14, 2024

Sunday Five: Happiness

 1: Most of us live where we live because of family or jobs, have you made a conscious choice of where you want to live? 

2: Have you explored the side streets and back streets where you live to find the hidden gems? 

3: If you could get rid of one thing in your home, that would make you happier, what would it be? 

4: When you are seeking happiness, what do you do? 

5: Have you bloomed where you are planted? 

My answers:

1: Most of us live where we live because of family or jobs, have you made a conscious choice of where you want to live?  The move the Washington DC area was a move to where we wanted to live, the place came first, the job came second. 

2: Have you explored the side streets and back streets where you live to find the hidden gems? A lot of it, this is an ongoing adventure of exploration. 

3: If you could get rid of one thing in your home, that would make you happier, what would it be? Some clutter that I need to toss in my bedroom. (Within my control, what is stopping me?) 

4: When you are seeking happiness, what do you do? Take a long walk. 

5: Have you bloomed where you are planted? Very much so. I am here, I will enjoy it while it lasts. 

Please share your answers in the comments. 


  1. 1: Most of us live where we live because of family or jobs, have you made a conscious choice of where you want to live? Nothing to do with family or jobs.
    2: Have you explored the side streets and back streets where you live to find the hidden gems? Oh yes.
    3: If you could get rid of one thing in your home, that would make you happier, what would it be? Can’t think of one individual thing.
    4: When you are seeking happiness, what do you do? Walk. Exercise. See friends. Go to a museum.
    5: Have you bloomed where you are planted? I suppose so.

  2. 1. Yes, I would not want to live where I didn't want to live.
    2. I certainly have explored and very much so during our pandemic lockdowns.
    3. The matching tv table, side cupboards and coffee table. Easy to get rid of. Not so easy to find replacements even close to how good they are. They are just old fashioned.
    4. Take a long train ride. I find some peace in my mind.
    5. I suppose so. It is hard to judge as your life changes as you age.

  3. 1: Most of us live where we live because of family or jobs, have you made a conscious choice of where you want to live? Yes. First family, then the after college job brought me back to Dayton, my then fiance still had a year left of college. We talked about moving elsewhere but he landed a really good job in Dayton and we've been here ever since. We love to travel and we love to come home.

    2: Have you explored the side streets and back streets where you live to find the hidden gems? Oh yes. Lots of history and other eye-catching items here and when I find one thing, it often leads to another adventure.

    3: If you could get rid of one thing in your home, that would make you happier, what would it be? Some pieces of old furniture that a certain person thinks we should keep.

    4: When you are seeking happiness, what do you do? Take a walk, take a bike ride, listen to music, cook.

    5: Have you bloomed where you are planted? Yep and plan to keep those blossoms coming!

    1. Being happy with where you are makes happiness easier.

  4. 1: Most of us live where we live because of family or jobs, have you made a conscious choice of where you want to live? Well, we moved here because Carlos took a job here.
    2: Have you explored the side streets and back streets where you live to find the hidden gems? Since we live in the oldest inland city in the state, filled with historic nooks and crannies, we have wandered through most of it.
    3: If you could get rid of one thing in your home, that would make you happier, what would it be? A couple of what I call nondescript tables in the sunroom. Other than that, as the Dalai Lama says, "I want the things I have."
    4: When you are seeking happiness, what do you do? Breather, reflect, remember.
    5: Have you bloomed where you are planted? I think I have bloomed in nearly every place I've lived; I guess I adapt and find happiness anywhere.

    1. An island city, someplace we should visit?

  5. 1: Most of us live where we live because of family or jobs, have you made a conscious choice of where you want to live? I moved to Phoenix with my parents a long time ago but it was where I wanted to be.
    2: Have you explored the side streets and back streets where you live to find the hidden gems? Yes, and I still explore.
    3: If you could get rid of one thing in your home, that would make you happier, what would it be? The carpeting
    4: When you are seeking happiness, what do you do? Walk in the Desert Botanical Garden
    5: Have you bloomed where you are planted? Yes, I'd say so.

    1. I was very happy to get rid of the carpet and put in hardwood floors.

  6. 1. Moved near family.
    2. Yes, for years and years.
    3. Old couch in family room
    4. Take a walk.
    5. I've done the best I could.

  7. 1. No, Actually the only reason I would leave Idaho would be political.
    2. Yes, lot of the time you find coolest items in these place.
    3. Get rid of my bigger ceramic molds
    4. Create
    5. No

  8. We moved to PHX because Someone got a job here. When that job didn't last he didn't want to move as the house would go at a loss. We've been here since.

  9. 1: Most of us live where we live because of family or jobs, have you made a conscious choice of where you want to live? Hmm. Sort of? I love the New England area, but would rather be living elsewhere than where we are. We've stayed semi local mostly due to our jobs and my health network. I also wish we had realized we were moving to such a conservative neighborhood.

    2: Have you explored the side streets and back streets where you live to find the hidden gems? We have explored every nook and cranny that we are aware of and there are no "hidden gems" that we can find. It is not a very exciting or entertaining location, sadly.

    3: If you could get rid of one thing in your home, that would make you happier, what would it be? In my home? I guess the extremely outdated cabinets and/or sink in our guest bathroom, but that would take remodeling funds we just don't have.

    4: When you are seeking happiness, what do you do? Sit in my back yard, hold Jeffrey's hand, pet Harvey, or just gaze at the lovely home we have assembled.

    5: Have you bloomed where you are planted? I believe we have both made the best lives for ourselves possible here, and learned to be happy with ourselves, our home, our belongings, and our life together, despite the changes we'd like to make.

