Wednesday, July 31, 2024

My World of Wonders, aka, the Sunday Five

Where have I been?  The gym, the pool, a new Amazon Fresh Store, out to lunch, Aldi, a walk in Old Town Alexandria and the Library. 

Who have I talked with?  My sweet bear, the lifeguards at the pool, an editorial board, hmm, maybe I lead a dull life. 

What have I been planning?  A short trip to New York to visit friends later this fall. 

What have I been up to in the kitchen?  I made sweet and sour pork, with veggies and saffron rice. (When you are in Spain, buy saffron.) 

Where am I headed? Chicago to see my fellow wizards. 

What have I been reading? Dusted to Death - a murder mystery set in the garden district in New Orleans, and an unauthorized biography of Tony Bourdain.  I have finished reading 50 books so far this year. 

What am I going to do in my retirement? Catch up on my reading. 

What am I painting? A linear color study in metallic paints. All that Glitters May Be Gold. 

What's on Television?  There is more olympic coverage than anyone can watch, the CBS Sunday Morning show was good last weekend. 

My wish for the week? Good friends, good food, safe travels. 


  1. Wishing you what you wish for yourself this week.

  2. Nice wish, we should all give it a try.
    Love CBS Sunday Morning: it's a go-to after breakfast.

    1. When it is over, I turn the tube off.

  3. If I'm home, I love watching CBS Sunday Morning.

    1. If you are at the Woods you are watching the bears.

  4. Is Sweet Bear aware that you have been chatting to the lifeguards at the pool?

  5. Please post your metallic color study when you've finished. Wishing you the same...good friends, good food, and safe travels.

    1. I will try to remember to do that

  6. I was just reading about starting an art journal and it sounds like something I might enjoy...
    That's a great wish and I hope it comes true for you!

    1. Amazon had a variety box of metallic acrylics on sale.

  7. I love saffron! I have a recipe for lemon scented saffron rice that I love! For some reason this got me to thinking about risotto. I haven't made any in a while and I love it. I think it's time. Maybe I'll add a pinch of saffron.

    1. Saffron was the only thing on my shopping list for Spain. Locally Trader Joe's has about the best value.

  8. I don't mine leaving a dull life.

    1. There is an old asian curse, about living in interesting times, dull is often better.
