Monday, July 22, 2024

Monday Mood: Bit Shocked

A source told me early on Sunday that VP Harris was screening possible candidates for Vice President, then in the pool Sunday afternoon a neighbor broke the news to me that President Biden had withdrawn. 

It is a shock, but not a surprise.  His debate performance was abysmal, but then he has never been a strong public speaker.  There has been a lot of pressure on him to step aside. 

I worry that a dedicated public servant has been publicly hounded into retirement. The press and leaders in the Democratic party have been increasingly putting the pressure on him to withdraw.  I worry that the concern is ageist and not based on ability.  Older adults are often perceived as being less capable, just because of how we look and sound. Joe has never hidden his age, no fake hair, to spray tan, what you see is who he is.  But looks are not what get the job done. 

I Thank President Biden for his decades of public service, and wish him well.  I expect he will be a strong campaigner for the selected candidate.  

As John said in the pool Sunday afternoon, I would vote for Mickey Mouse if he was running against HeWhoShallNotBeNamed.     


  1. And NOW who has the old and deranged candidate???? LMAO!!!!

    I fully support Harris and hope she picks a good VP candidate. And as someone on my blog said, not Mayor Pete. We need to prim him further and keep him in the wings for the next face off.

  2. Here’s hoping this is the kick in the pants we need. I have continued respect for Joe Biden and putting the country before himself.

    1. It is going to be an interesting election.

  3. How much better it would have been if from the outset Joe Biden had seen himself as the one term "bridge" president - opening the door deliberately for new blood. Then we would not have had this messy, unsavoury situation.

  4. Watching Biden move so stiffly, watching him trying to string a sentence together, I think he was unelectable. But as you said, I'm sure his brain was still functioning well, and without great knowledge, surely his underlings were doing much of hard yards on policy and getting results. Isn't that how things normally work, there is a figurehead? History will give Joe great respect, unlike the divisive #45 who may be #47, with his lip service to working rural poor who vote for him but doing nothing for them.

    1. We need to transcribe 45's speeches, and capitalize on every rambling, senseless word salad paragraph. When he is not telling lies, he goes off on tangents filled with incomplete sentences and incomplete ideas. I think Kamala can and will use this against him.

  5. I just hope Joe gets the honors he deserves for the work he's done in the last four years digging us out of The Felon's incompetence.
    And I hope Kamala picks a stunning running mate to rip the GOP to bits.

    1. I like her, the running mate decision needs to be very strategic. And they need to campaign like lions.

    2. I agree with everything Bob wrote in his comment. I hope Joe does get recognized for leading us out of the four years of tRump's debacle. I also hope that Harris picks a running mate that will help to seal the felon's fate.

    3. If HWSNBN was in prison where he belongs,

  6. Politics is a blood sport, as they say.

    1. To quote and old song, sometimes you need to "know when to fold them."

  7. Like you, I do believe that ageism is a big factor in the relentless pursuit for Biden's resignation. To be publicly hounded like he was, was sad to watch.

    1. This turns the table on who has the past it candidate.

  8. I also agree with John. In fact I told someone something very similar recently. I hope this invigorates all Democrats to get the vote out. It was certainly a shock.

    1. Vote and take two friends with you to the polls.

  9. I think getting Covid again probably helped convince Biden too. I know how tired I was when I got it and he couldn't take a break.
    I think the race needed this. So many didn't even bother to follow politics because they weren't happy with the rematch. I think this will make them pay attention and young people and undecideds will like this new choice. Remember how excited we were when we made history electing Obama? I think we will make history again.

    1. She is bright, and capable, and will make a wonderful President.
