Saturday, January 04, 2025

The Saturday Morning Post: 50 States in 52 Weeks: Alabama


I saw a calendar / diary in a bookstore that had a page for each week of the year with questions about the users experience with the 50 United States, and adding in Washington DC, and Puerto Rico to round out the 52 weeks of the year.  What a wonderful idea for a theme day on a blog. 

So here I begin. 


Alabama is in the deep south of the United States. 

The first time I was there was in the late 1970's. I drove my grandmother from Florida to Michigan one spring and she wanted to go west across the panhandle of Florida, stop at Bellingrath Gardens in southern Alabama, then north across Alabama and Mississippi to St Louis on the way.  

My second time was in the early 1980's I drove from Orlando to New Orleans for the World's Fair, stopping to see Bellingrath for a second time.  I was driving a nearly new Renault LeCar, a fun little car with a canvass sunroof, a great radio, and air conditioning so cold ice would form on the vents. 

I have been back once, in the early 2000s to present a training in I think Birmingham. That one was in late summer, I had been at a Kentucky Statewide Legal Services Conference, drove from that conference directly to the airport.  I was dressed casually from the KY conference that was better known as the drunken party in the woods. Delta lost my bag on the way to Alabama. I showed up for dinner that evening with the state attorney general is shorts and a yellow polo shirt. The bag arrived at the hotel late that night. Normally the trainings were 40-50 people, there were nearly 200 in Alabama.  I switched up a few small group exercises to work for large audiences and the show went on.  I have fond memories of the program. 

And no real desire to return to Alabama. 

The photo, is not from Alabama, those visits were before my digital archive. The bright colorful flowers, very much remind me of Bellingrath Gardens. 


  1. I am surprised a European car had such good air conditioning. My sister has a five year old Renault and she says the aircon is poor compared to her wife's older large 4WD.

    1. It had a canvass sunroof, and a really great radio.

  2. I’ve never been to Alabama and, at this point, I doubt I ever will.

    1. There is little reason to want to go there.

  3. Interesting idea for a new post series!

    1. I will post in alphabetical order and it will keep me busy.

  4. I was born in Mississippi and when we left Dad drove left so I've never been ... even after moving East at the turn of the century.

    1. It is an essential on the I am going to visit all 50 goal.

  5. I have never been to Alabama, and I don't think I will ever get there. I have been to all states on the east coast and to Hawaii and California. My next goal is to go to the Pacific Northwest and to see Arizona.

    1. Washington and Oregon are amazing, the north Pacific coast is spectacular. And Spo is in Phoenix. I have a conference in Phoenix the end of the month.

  6. I have never been to Alabama. My BiL grew up in Tuskegee, though.

    1. It is an easy state to not go to.

  7. I have a few childhood memories of driving through Alabama on our way to Florida. I drove through it again sometime in the 80's but I don't recall any stops along the way.

    1. This should be a fun series, many people have experiences across the country.

  8. God love you. There are certain states I have no desire to see.

  9. Never been to Alabama, never hope to go there.

  10. I've driven through Alabama on my way to the Florida panhandle but haven't stopped there for any significant amount of time. A dear friend was stationed at Ft. Rucker for his Army helicopter training and we corresponded (that was back in the day of snail mail). I had a couple students who went to Space Camp in Huntsville. Those are my connections to Alabama.

    1. It sounds like you have seen the highlights, a quick drive through.

  11. I wouldn't feel safe visiting Alabama (and many other states) at this point. But if I could teleport in, explore while everyone stayed home, then teleport home, I'd be interested in seeing it just because its a new place to explore.


    1. Bellingrath Gardens was pretty, it was a house and large garden built by a Coca Cola millionaire 100+ years ago.
