Wednesday, January 29, 2025

My World of Wonders, aka The Wednesday Ws, the end of January Already

Where have I been this week? The bank, the liquor store, the library, Aldi, the gym, the pool, out for a walk, 

Where am I headed? The airport, and Phoenix for a few days.  

What have I been thinking about?  I have posted a couple of political posts to Fakebook, one on immigration and one on the end of telework and the return of paid snow days. The idiocy of HWSNBN. 

Who have I talked with?  My Sweet Bear, the gang at Water Aerobics. 

What went well?  Sweet Bear went to water aerobics with me and did very well. 

What have I been watching?  YouTube - I have a group of content producer I follow. The Barrett-Jackson the Scottsdale Auction was on - I was able to attend a day of that a couple of years ago, Gold Rush - we are getting down to the end of the season, and the Jeopardy Tournament - the two of us call out the questions. 

What surprised me? An incorrect, correctly spelled word, in a book published by a university press.  The reference was to the parking brake in a car, and it was spelled "break." Spell Check won't catch that one, a good editor would, YP would point that out in a comment.  

What have I been up to in the kitchen?  I baked another new bread, a baguette recipe from Paul Hollywood's "100 Breads."  It turned out really well for a first try.  I didn't mix the salt into the flour well enough, resulting in some salty spots.  I won't feature the recipe on a Friday because it lacks measurements for how much water to use, it instructs you to use enough warm water to form a "batter" and later enough to form a "firm dough." If you are comfortable with baking this is not hard to do, if you are looking for a chemistry formula, it is not. Maybe I will make it a few times, and keep track of how much I use, and then instruct to add more water or flour to achieve the desired product. (Is a dough a mixture or a solution?) 

Was I nasty this week? Only once, I submitted a comment on the blog of an orange Nero supporter, that made me feel good, and feel guilty at the same time.  My grandmother's voice echoes in my mind, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything." 

What am I working on? I have a short article to finish for a March 10 due date. It really only needs a couple of edits and read throughs.  Late last summer I started work on a book on legal and ethical issues in end of life.  I started it in a very formal academic style. I have been thinking about it, the text needs to tell stories, stories of the people I have helped and learned from over the past 30 years.  It is a human subject and it needs a human voice.  I should get back to work on it. 

What felt so wonderful?  Monday afternoon I drifted off to a nap, and woke up about an hour later, with that wonderful I had a nice nap feeling. 


  1. While I am not so good at proof reading my own writing, the wrong brake would have grabbed me. I may have checked if it was an alternative spelling.

    1. I expected better from an academic press

  2. The trouble with "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything" is that it belongs to the very philosophy that facilitated the rise of fascism in Europe and ultimately The Holocaust that we reflected upon this very week. It all makes me wonder what America will look like after four more years of Pumpkin Head.

  3. I think all of our grandmothers saiud "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything" but these days if you say nothing, people think you agree with them.
    They need to know you don't.

    1. Better to light a single candle

  4. Oh, Paul Hollywood and his beautiful silver hair and steely blue eyes!

  5. Safe Travels!!
    I'm impressed with anyone who bakes bread!

    1. This was a fun bread to make.

  6. I find errors all of the time when I am reading books. I was a good proof-reader when I worked - checking the writings of the professors I worked for.
    I did send an email this week to the NYT for misleading reporting. I'm sure they will ignore it but it made me feel good.

    1. I was reading on the plane today, and the book had a typo in it.

  7. My first out-of-college job was as a paralegal for a group of corporate litigators. The bosses wrote their documents, sent them to the Word Processing Department, and those people typed the documents and stored them on their machines. I was, and still am, good with proofreading and editing and my bosses recognized that skill. The documents came through inter-office mail addressed specifically to me for checking.

    1. I have worked with some really good editors over the years.

  8. I think a dough is more of a mixture than a solution but I'm no expert. It might be a solution to a bad day though.

    1. Baking bread always results in a better day.

  9. We tried to turn the other cheek, and they slapped that one, yoo. Fight fire with fire! (Or lies with Truth, as the case may be.)


  10. Good for you for the nap!
