Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Sunday Five: Quiet Times in Grand Spaces

The next time I am in a grand space, I need to pause, put down the camera, have a seat, and absorb the wonders of the place.  The thought that went into designing the space. The dedicated craftsmen who brought the architects design to life. The details in the finish, the art within the space.  And the way people pass through it.  Do they notice any of it? Do they notice me noticing them. 

1: When was the last time you sat on a bench for five minutes in a grand space and just absorbed what was around you? 
2: Do you check your phone when you pause for a few minutes? 
3: Do you take walks without a phone or camera? 
4: Has your phone rang in a quiet space? 
5: Do you find this space pleasing? 

My Answers: 
1: When was the last time you sat on a bench for five minutes in a grand space and just absorbed what was around you? Probably a month ago when I took this photo. 
2: Do you check your phone when you pause for a few minutes?  All too often yes. 
3: Do you take walks without a phone or camera? I have a couple of times recently, it is hard to leave the phone behind. 
4: Has your phone rang in a quiet space? My most embarrassing was my phone started ringing on final approach on an airline flight, I had forgotten to put it on airplane mode. 
5: Do you find this space pleasing? Yes, very relaxing. 

Please share your answers in the comments. 
I will be taking a break from the Sunday Five in May, it will return in June if not before. 


  1. 1: When was the last time you sat on a bench for five minutes in a grand space and just absorbed what was around you? Possibly every time.
    2: Do you check your phone when you pause for a few minutes? Not when I pause to take things in.
    3: Do you take walks without a phone or camera? Rarely. The camera is what matters to me.
    4: Has your phone rang in a quiet space? I usually turn it to silent.
    5: Do you find this space pleasing? Definitely

    1. You always post such great photos

  2. When was the last time you sat on a bench for five minutes in a grand space and just absorbed what was around you? Probably Ashcombe mansion last week.

    Do you check your phone when you pause for a few minutes? Sometimes.
    Do you take walks without a phone or camera? Yes often. I'm good at unplugging. And I need to learn to enjoy moments more and less worrying about picture taking.
    4: Has your phone rang in a quiet space? No. I turn it off or volume completely on mute.
    5: Do you find this space pleasing? Yes very.

    Now you know what being in the mind of a visual person is like. People don't get it when I say my head hurts at times from taking things in. I take everything in 100% of the time.

  3. 1, January - in the Mezquita in Cordoba.
    2. Never.
    3. I always carry my phone in case of emergencies, or any photo opportunities.
    4, My phone is set to silent and vibrate only.
    5. It is perhaps just a little too sparse for me!

  4. 1. Outside at a park. The wonder of nature. And yesterdaay.
    2. I try not to, but it depends on the circumstances.
    3. No. Usually in case I become in distress and alone, or the dog would get loose. Ironically, for running, I don't carry a phone at all.
    4. Not that I recall. It's always on vibrate. Never actually rings. I don't have the sounds on on my phone.
    5. I do.

    1. My running days were before cell phones and digital music

  5. 1: When was the last time you sat on a bench for five minutes in a grand space and just absorbed what was around you? Walking under a bridge in Portland, we sat down and just stared at the underbelly of the structure.
    2: Do you check your phone when you pause for a few minutes? Not really; I am pretty good about keeping it in my pocket.
    3: Do you take walks without a phone or camera? Rarely. I like the idea of taking a photo that happens to appear before me.
    4: Has your phone rang in a quiet space? Nope. I am good about silencing it.
    5: Do you find this space pleasing? I do, though it needs more spots to sit down.

    1. The world needs more comfy places to sit

  6. 1: When was the last time you sat on a bench for five minutes in a grand space and just absorbed what was around you? In Bradford, Yorkshire close to the magnificent Victorian City Hall.
    2: Do you check your phone when you pause for a few minutes? I do not have a mobile phone.
    3: Do you take walks without a phone or camera? Sometimes but on long walks I always have my camera with me.
    4: Has your phone rang in a quiet space? I do not have a phone so this never happens to me but on many occasions I have been irritated by the noise of other people's phones.
    5: Do you find this space pleasing? Which space? Do you mean the space in your picture or outer space? Or the space provided by those kind folks at Blogger? The confusing quality of the question does not please me. In fact, it makes me so mad I want to smash a window.

  7. 1. can't remember so probably too long ago!
    2. sometimes
    3. no. I always carry one in case I fall.
    4. I don't think so
    5. Yes, that ceiling is fabulous!

  8. 1: When was the last time you sat on a bench for five minutes in a grand space and just absorbed what was around you? Ahh...easy answer, just two days ago in the Tucson Art Museum.
    2: Do you check your phone when you pause for a few minutes? Sometimes, no always
    3: Do you take walks without a phone or camera? Rarely
    4: Has your phone rang in a quiet space? Not that I can remember
    5: Do you find this space pleasing? Very much!

    1. The guy next to me on Thursday was talking on his phone as we took off

  9. 1: When was the last time you sat on a bench for five minutes in a grand space and just absorbed what was around you? Yesterday. We're in Cleveland and after dropping little grandson off at daycare, we drove along the Lake Erie Scenic Route. We stopped at a park in Avon, walked to the end of the pier, and took in the expanse of Lake Erie, enjoyed the seagulls' call, the crash of the waves against the walls, and the sound from chilly wind blowing.
    2: Do you check your phone when you pause for a few minutes? I do not. My husband is glued to his phone and I am the total opposite.
    3: Do you take walks without a phone or camera? I take my phone not to talk but to take pictures. I've had a lot of inspiration for blog posts from my walks and adventures.
    4: Has your phone rang in a quiet space? No. I will not be "that' person.
    5: Do you find this space pleasing? Yes, but a bench here or there would be nice to take a sit.
