Wednesday, April 03, 2024

My World of Wonders, aka The Wednesday Ws April 3, 2024

Where in the world am I? Cincinnati, Ohio on a consulting project.  

Where have I been?  Home, the farmers market, into DC for Artomatic, grocery shopping, a long walk near home, a long walk at the Pentagon Center Mall, a long walk at the outlet mall at National Harbor in Maryland (three miles from home, just across the bridge), and National Harbor for a slow walk in light rain.  

Who have a talked with? Hmm, not much of anyone. 

What have I been eating?  We had lunch at a northern Italian restaurant in DC, on Friday, and I had a great Chicken Parmesan sandwich.  I have been cooking a wide variety of boring things at home.  

What have I been listening to?  Country, classic rock, classical music.  The CD player in my car jammed last fall, so the radio is on with a local NPR classical station.  

What have I seen on YouTube?  Karl in Iceland uploaded a good video about Grindavik. I met Karl and his wife last fall when they visited Washington DC, he is a really nice guy (computer programer.) I had lunch in Grindavik a year ago this month. Near the place where the street is broken with one side raised by 2-3 feet, is a supermarket I  took a walk through - making this event very personal for me.  (I love walking through supermarkets when we travel - seeing what is different, what is the same.) 

When is the next adventure? The end of the month, I checked in with the cruise line and printed the pre-boarding boarding passes.  

Who deserves a huge THANK YOU this week? All of my readers and commenters.  Comments have been up in numbers the past few weeks.  Thank you all so very much. 

What is the photo all about? It was taken at Artomatic, I don't know what is in room 6055, the building is huge and the elevators (lifts) were out of service, we didn't make it all the way up. But I like the message, always do something to be proud of.  


  1. The link informs me that the Artomatic elevators are back working.
    A Chicken Parmesan sandwich doesn't sound too exciting but isn't it so nice when something you choose to eat is really good.

    1. I had an email yesterday saying that the elevators are back working, I should go back and see those upper floors.

  2. Sitting and enjoying morning coffee and thinking of you!

  3. I am very familiar with northern Ohio but never went to Cincinnati. Will you have time to explore it a little and report back? I guess it's all about the conference... "And now, ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together and give a big shout out for the incredible, the one and only DAVID GODFREY!"
    ( Sound of whooping and hollering and stomping of feet)

  4. I too like the passage. Not much walking or running for me this week. It's been raining all week so far. But I have Philly to look forward to this weekend.

    1. A friend of mine from Philly is here as part of the team

  5. When we are familiar with a foreign city or place, news about it always seems so much more relevant and hard-hitting, doesn't it? Like with you and Grindavik, I am emotionally affected by what happened to Lahaina, Maui.

    1. My time was on Maui was limited.

  6. Make something. I like that. It can mean anything.

  7. So strange. I commented on this while I was out this morning, but the post just appeared at the top of my list again (most recent) and my comment isn’t here. SO, was sending love from Mesón Salvador this morning!

  8. That's a great quote. You've been getting a lot of walks in. Good for you.

  9. If you're down by the river, hope you have some time to walk through Smale Riverfront Park to see all the gorgeous spring flowers, walk across the Roebling Bridge (the prototype for the Brooklyn Bridge) and then for a longer walk after the Roebling, walk down to the Purple People Bridge (pedestrian only) and cross back into Ohio. Lots of history between those two bridges.

    1. We are out northeast of the city

  10. I enjoy hearing about your adventures! You are lucky to be able to get to so many interesting places!

  11. I made something to be proud of today: a loaf of banana bread!
